Mining Route | Adamantite & Korium Ore

We are farming on the Isle of Quel'Danas.

This is the route we will be farming and it's not that hard to follow because there are only about 13 spawn points that respawn fast enough so you can just run around the isle over and over and over again. Since Khorium shares their spawn points with rich Adamantite you will also get this if you farm long enough. You won't have competition either because people only go on the isle for Sunwell Plateau or Magisters' Terrace.

My result of 15 minutes farming:
  • 74 Adamantite Ore (5.26G per)
  • 24 Mote of Earth (0.52G per)
  • 4 Eternium Ore (0.13G per at the vendor)
  • 1 Shadow Draenite (13.5G per)
  • 1 Deep Peridot (8.98G per)
=1698.88 Gold/Hour

I'm selling Eternium Ore because you most likely won't find a buyer for that. It has no really use ingame anymore; only a few recipes need it. You can also vendor the blue gems because when you have the jewelcrafting skill to use them you can also start using northrend green gems so nobody will buy them and you get 3G from the vendor which isn't that bad at all.


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