Gold Guide | Farming Razorfen Kraul - 9,300G/hr

Here is some Information for you, if you're thinking about farming Razorfen Kraul for Gold.

The Instance is located in southern Southern Barrens. Once inside, you're going to notice, that this is one of the Instances, that got revamped with Warlords of Draenor. One of the new things you have to look out for, are trap wires on the ground. There is also the new system, where you have to kill the boss to progress, so we make our first stop at Kraulshaper Tukaar here and then continue.

The next tunnel part has the first spawn location of the two treasure chests, that will always be in one run. To see all five spawn locations, watch the video below. Near the End of the Tunnel will be a root to the right, which you can use as a shortcut, to get on top of the right path way. At the end of it is the next boss, where we round of the next group of trash and kill them with the boss.

You can now use the higher ledge on this part, to get across the drop with your glider onto the other side. If you don't have a glider, you can possibly also use slow fall or in the worst case have to run around, because we need to kill the other boss to progress. Once he's dead you head deeper into the cave and kill the 3 NPC's performing some kind of ritual to progress further.

From there you'll get across a few platforms into the last cave. Here you kill the bat-boss to open up another wall, behind which a frog-boss is located. That one always drops either a BoE rare, or one of the two frog pets sold on the darkmoon faire. Both possible outcomes don't yield a nice profit, but the neutral frog trash around him, have another chance on some transmog, so you might just kill him along them with an AoE spell.

The endboss is now in reach and after killing him, we head back out. I use the run back to open all the chests, so I don't need to make any extra stops. There are some ores, herbs and skinnable mobs in the instance, but i leave them out, to save time.

A run like this takes about 7minutes, here is what I got from 10 runs:

Gold without Transmog:
  • Direct Gold = 86.79G
  • 6x Greater Mystic Essence = 13.62G
  • 1x Greater Astral Essence = 1.82G
  • 23x Soul Dust = 38.18G
  • 6x Wild Steelbloom = 18.42G
  • 2x Bruiseweed = 2.96G
  • 4x Swiftthistle = 7.48G
  • 2x Mageroyal = 3.00G
  • 3x Coarse Stone = 0.78G
  • 3x Medium Leather = 6.96G
  • 1x Light Hide = 1.11G
  • 1x Jade = 3.67G
  • 1x Lesser Moonstone = 0.92G
  • 3x Mageweave Cloth = 1.05G
  • 190x Silk Cloth = 260.30G
  • 47x Wool Cloth = 30.08G
  • 1x Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer = 301.90G
  • 1x Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit = 80.94G
  • 1x Pattern: Green Silk Pack = 113.78G
  • 1x Pattern: Colorful Kilt = 114.07G
  • 1x Pattern: Barbaric Gloves = 161.96G
  • 1x Plans: Iridescent Hammer = 138.84G
  • = 1388.63 in Total / 1190.25G/hr

Gold with Transmog:
  • Total without Transmog = 1388.63G
  • 1x Headhunter's Buckler = 524.82G
  • 1x Slayer's Skullcap = 1023.79G
  • 1x Ghostwalker Pads = 927.81G
  • 1x Cutthroat's Vest = 748.25G
  • 1x Slayer's Surcoat = 703.88G
  • 1x Resilient Robe = 1007.34G
  • 1x Vital Handwraps = 298.22G
  • 2x Cutthroat's Mitts = 1645.54G
  • 1x Sage's Gloves = 189.57G
  • 1x Stonecloth Belt = 314.50G
  • 1x Vital Sash = 231.95G
  • 2x Emblazoned Belt = 338.02G
  • 1x Vital Leggings = 202.98G
  • 1x Thick Scale Legguards = 536.68G
  • 1x Thistlefur Pants = 160.93G
  • 1x Battleforge Boots = 402.38G
  • 1x Sage's Boots = 157.81G
  • = 10803.10G in Total / 9259.80G/hr


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