Gold Guide | Farming Scholomance - 8,700G/hr

Here is some Information for you, if you're thinking about farming Scholomance for Gold.

The Instance is located on the Island in the middle of Western Plaguelands. Walk inside the building and turn left at the first chance, to open a door and find the Instanceportal.

Inside we are greeted by two Skeleton guards, which we pull with us into the next room. Here you have to pull all mobs around the first encounter, because everything that isn't in fight before the encounter starts, dies without yielding any loot. The second room has a lot of mobs, but only the cultists and reanimated corpses give you loot. I run through the corridors, get the mobs and kill the boss at the end of the room so we can continue.

The third room starts off with 6 Boneweavers scattered around it, which you have to kill in order to spawn the boss of the room. Room number four only contains trash, which I pull into the next room with Lilian Voss. The Meatgiants are very slow, but the Encounter also takes some time to start, and should start around the same time, the last mobs arrive. Darkmaster Grandling takes some time after defeating Lilian to open the door, which leaves us with a little time to quickly grab the boss loot, without loosing to much time on it.

In the next room head up the little area to the right first and then zigg zagg down and run to the endboss, I kill the Darkmaster Grandling fo the Dungeon Reward and loot him with the Loot-A-Rang, by then all trash mobs should have arrived you can kill them and start running back out. There is no easy way out, it's the exact same way we came in. A run like this takes under 6minutes leaving you enough time to vendor and then it will fit exactly perfect inside the Instance cap. This is what I got from 10 runs: 

Without Transmog:
  • Direct Gold = 118.60G
  • 3.33x Greater Nether Essence = 44.82G
  • 1x Greater Mystic Essence = 2.80G
  • 37x Vision Dust = 113.96G
  • 450x Mageweave Cloth = 171.00G
  • 377x Silk Cloth = 527.80G
  • 3x Aquamarine = 8.97G
  • 3x Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit = 154.23G
= 1142.18G in Total without Transmog 

With Transmog:
  • Total without Transmog = 1142.18G
  • 1x Chromite Barbute = 252.72G
  • 1x Captain's Circlet = 300.37G
  • 1x Ranger Helm = 155.41G
  • 2x Sorcerer Hat = 811.28G
  • 1x Field Plate Pauldrons = 377.62G
  • 1x Captain's Breastplate = 326.69G
  • 1x Chief Brigadier Armor = 912.97G
  • 1x Twilight Armor = 216.69G
  • 1x Brigade Gauntlets = 331.77G
  • 1x Ranger Gloves = 182.21G
  • 1x Sorcerer Gloves = 161.06G
  • 2x Mistcape Sash = 692.02G
  • 2x Field Plate Girdle = 699.44G
  • 1x Ranger Cord = 188.87G
  • 1x Sorcerer Pants = 176.47G
  • 1x Jouster's Legplates = 530.59G
  • 1x Tracker's Boots = 257.68G
  • 1x Mistcape Boots = 365.93G
  • 2x Ranger Boots = 431.00G
  • 1x Regal Boots = 225.20G
= 8738.17G in Total with Transmog


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