Gold Guide | Locations of all Vendor Recipes

I made an Addon to Guide you to all the BoE Recipes. Nicornvendors. It works with TomTom and displays the Recipe Name under the Waypoint Arrow, sometimes even with a little note to guide you. The Waypoints were chosen on how accessible they are, so we only get each recipe one time in the easiest location for it.
I hope you like the addon.
Change the Waypoint so you can start where you want. The Waypoint will always point toward the same after set up (e.g. Daleohm - Plans: Frostguard in Kalimdor) - to change that right click on the point you want and then "Set as waypoint arrow".

2021/01/01 - The addon is outdated.

As I'm no longer playing the game, I won't fix it. But I found the original excel table, which I used to collect the data. And I turned them into tomtom waypoints, so you can use these instead. These Waypoints only contain the name of the vendor and not the recipe names.

Just put them in a macro. There is/was an addon that allows you to make macros with extended length, which you will need for this.

Also missing are the Waypoints for the Vendors inside Dungeon. Not sure how I solved that in the addon? Probably waypoints to the entrances? These vendors are: - Blackrock Depths - Schematic: Deadly Scope - Dire Maul - Pattern: Mooncloth Robe - Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Formula: Enchant Shield - Intellect - Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Pattern: Riding Crop

I don't guarantee that the data is correct/working, as I can't/won't test it. I don't know how Shadowmoon Valley / Nagrand need to be formatted to work with the new Draenor ones. The addon used zone ids instead of zone names, but I can't find an answer online if this still works. Also this might mean, that the waypoints only work with the English client? You could try to change the zones to their ids otherwise. They are listed on the Wowhead page for each zone.

ok. hope this helps someone out there. have fun.

Horde Waypoints

Horde Eastern Kingdom Waypoints

/tway Arathi Highlands 70.0 35.4 Tunkk
/tway Arathi Highlands 69.2 33.6 Keena
/tway Arathi Highlands 68.0 37.6 Jun'ha
/tway Badlands 65.0 38.8 “Chef” Overheat
/tway Badlands 91.0 38.4 Buckslappy
/tway Dun Morogh 17.8 74.6 High Admiral “Shelly” Jorrik
/tway Duskwood 81.8 19.8 Kzixx
/tway Eastern Plaguelands 74.2 51.0 Jase Farlane
/tway Eversong Woods 49.0 47.0 Landraelanis
/tway Ghostlands 48.4 31.0 Master Chef Mouldier
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 57.4 47.6 Christoph Jeffcoat
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 58.0 47.8 Mallen Swain
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 44.0 21.8 Bro'kin
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 76.6 58.6 George Candarte
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 56.0 46.4 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 52.6 56.2 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 49.2 66.8 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 38.6 49.0 Vharr
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 39.2 51.0 Nerrist
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 37.6 49.2 Uthok
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 43.6 23.0 Jaquilina Dramet
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 67.4 61.2 Gnaz Blunderflame
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 67.6 61.0 Knaz Blunderflame
/tway Silvermoon City 90.8 73.6 Gelanthis
/tway Silvermoon City 69.4 24.8 Lyna
/tway Silvermoon City 56.0 51.8 Deynna
/tway Silvermoon City 66.4 19.8 Melaris
/tway Silvermoon City 80.6 37.0 Eriden
/tway Silvermoon City 84.6 79.6 Zaralda
/tway Silvermoon City 75.8 40.6 Yatheon
/tway Silverpine Forest 43.2 40.6 Andrew Hilbert
/tway Silverpine Forest 46.8 40.6 Lilly
/tway Silverpine Forest 53.8 82.2 Leo Sarn
/tway Swamp of Sorrows 47.2 52.2 Gharash
/tway Swamp of Sorrows 47.2 57.2 Rartar
/tway Swamp of Sorrows 46.6 57.0 Banalash
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.8 69.4 Zarena Cromwind
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 69.2 Narkk
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.8 69.0 Kelsey Yance
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.6 73.0 Xizk Goodstitch
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 40.8 82.2 Cowardly Crosby
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.2 71.6 Rikqiz
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.0 72.8 Crazk Sparks
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 41.6 74.0 Jutak
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 74.8 Glyx Brewright
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 72.8 Mrs. Gant
/tway The Hinterlands 34.6 38.4 Gigget Zipcoil
/tway The Hinterlands 34.2 37.8 Ruppo Zipcoil
/tway Tirisfal Glades 83.2 69.4 Werg Thickblade
/tway Tirisfal Glades 61.0 51.0 Abigail Shiel
/tway Tirisfal Glades 52.6 55.6 Constance Brisboise
/tway Twilight Highlands 76.6 49.4 Una Kobuna
/tway Undercity 64.8 38.2 Daniel Barlett
/tway Undercity 70.8 29.6 Millie Gregorian
/tway Undercity 70.6 59.6 Joseph Moore
/tway Undercity 52.6 75.0 Algernon
/tway Undercity 64.8 49.8 Felicia Doan

Horde Kalimdor Waypoints 

/tway Desolace 55.8 56.6 Muuran
/tway Desolace 51.0 53.4 Kireena
/tway Durotar 57.4 77.0 Zansoa
/tway Durotar 50.8 42.8 Grimtak
/tway Dustwallow Marsh 36.6 31.0 Ogg'marr
/tway Dustwallow Marsh 35.2 30.8 Ghok'kah
/tway Feralas 52.8 47.0 Jangdor Swiftstrider
/tway Feralas 74.6 42.8 Sheendra Tallgrass
/tway Feralas 76.0 43.4 Bronk
/tway Moonglade 48.6 40.2 Lorelae Wintersong
/tway Mulgore 46.4 57.8 Wunna Darkmane
/tway Northern Barrens 49.0 58.2 Tari'qa
/tway Northern Barrens 50.0 61.0 Wrahk
/tway Northern Barrens 50.6 57.8 Zargh
/tway Northern Barrens 48.6 58.4 Hula'mahi
/tway Northern Barrens 68.4 69.2 Gagsprocket
/tway Northern Barrens 67.0 73.4 Ranik
/tway Orgrimmar 66.6 41.6 Shankys
/tway Orgrimmar 47.0 55.6 Hagrus
/tway Orgrimmar 53.2 48.8 Kithas
/tway Orgrimmar 55.6 46.4 Kor'geld
/tway Orgrimmar 75.8 35.2 Sumi
/tway Orgrimmar 60.6 58.6 Borya
/tway Orgrimmar 60.6 54.4 Tamar
/tway Orgrimmar 48.4 47.8 Felika (WANDERING)
/tway Orgrimmar 52.6 64.6 Felika (WANDERING)
/tway Orgrimmar 56.0 56.0 Sovik
/tway Orgrimmar 36.6 86.8 Vizna Bangwrench
/tway Orgrimmar 36.2 83.2 Zido Helmbreaker
/tway Orgrimmar 39.0 85.6 Karizi Prokpatty
/tway Orgrimmar 41.0 79.8 Lizna Goldweaver
/tway Orgrimmar 45.0 77.6 Punra
/tway Silithus 81.2 18.6 Zannok Hidepiercer
/tway Silithus 53.8 34.4 Mishta
/tway Silithus 55.6 37.0 Kania
/tway Stonetaleon Mountains 50.4 63.6 Jeeda
/tway Stonetaleon Mountains 48.6 61.6 Kulwia
/tway Tanaris 50.6 28.6 Haughty Modiste
/tway Tanaris 52.6 29.0 Dirge Quikcleave
/tway Tanaris 51.2 30.2 Krinkle Goodsteel
/tway Tanaris 50.8 28.0 Alchemist Pestlezugg
/tway Tanaris 50.6 28.7 Vizzklick
/tway Tanaris 50.5 28.6 Blizrik Buckshot
/tway Thunder Bluff 43.8 44.6 Mahu
/tway Thunder Bluff 45.0 38.6 Nata Dawnstrider
/tway Thunder Bluff 51.6 52.8 Naal Mistrunner
/tway Thunder Bluff 56.0 47.0 Sewa Mistrunner
/tway Thunder Bluff 36.8 59.4 Palehoof's Big Bag of Parts
/tway Thunder Bluff 40.6 62.6 Shadi Mistrunner
/tway Un'Goro Crater 54.8 62.6 Nergal
/tway Un'Goro Crater 43.4 41.6 Dramm Riverhorn
/tway Winterspring 59.2 50.8 Xizzer Fizzbolt
/tway Winterspring 59.8 51.6 Himmik
/tway Winterspring 59.6 49.2 Qia

Horde Outland Waypoints

/tway Blade's Edge Mountains 51.0 57.8 Daga Ramba
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 53.2 38.2 Rohok
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 54.6 41.0 Cookie One-Eye
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 52.2 36.4 Apothecary Antonivich
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 61.0 81.4 Mixie Farshot
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 52.4 36.0 Kul Inkspiller
/tway Nagrand 55.2 37.0 Mathar G'ochar (WANDERING)
/tway Nagrand 58.0 35.6 Nula the Butcher
/tway Netherstorm 44.0 36.6 Dealer Jadyan
/tway Shadowmoon Valley 29.2 31.0 Krek Cragcrush
/tway Shadowmoon Valley 55.8 58.2 Arrond (SCRYERS ONLY)
/tway Shattrath City 72.6 31.6 Wind Trader Lathrai
/tway Shattrath City 45.8 20.8 Skreah
/tway Shattrath City 66.2 68.8 Eiin
/tway Shattrath City 64.8 69.6 Viggz Shinesparked
/tway Shattrath City 64.0 71.8 Aaron Hollman
/tway Shattrath City 63.6 70.0 Madame Ruby
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.4 Nasmara Moonsong
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.2 Andrion Darkspinner
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.6 Gidge Spellweaver
/tway Terokkar Forest 48.8 45.0 Innkeeper Grilka
/tway Terokkar Forest 48.8 46.0 Rungor
/tway Zangarmarsh 85.2 54.6 Zurai
/tway Zangarmarsh 31.6 49.2 Gambarinka
/tway Zangarmarsh 32.4 51.8 Seer Janidi
/tway Zangarmarsh 17.8 51.2 Mycah (1 SHROOM PER)
/tway Zangarmarsh 78.0 66.0 Juno Dufrain
/tway Zangarmarsh 32.4 48.0 Captured Gnome (SO MEAN!)

Horde Northrend Waypoints

/tway Dalaran 39.0 26.0 Bryan Landers
/tway Dalaran 42.4 37.6 Larana Drome
/tway Icecrown 72.2 20.8 Fizzix Blastbolt

Alliance Waypoints

Alliance Eastern Kingdom Waypoints

/tway Arathi Highlands 40.8 48.0 Jannos Ironwill
/tway Arathi Highlands 40.4 48.8 Hammon Karwn
/tway Arathi Highlands 40.6 48.2 Drovnar Strongbrew
/tway Arathi Highlands 39.2 48.2 Androd Fadran
/tway Arathi Highlands 39.6 48.8 Narj Deepslice
/tway Badlands 91.0 38.4 Buckslappy
/tway Badlands 65.0 38.8 “Chef” Overheat
/tway Blasted Lands 62.4 16.0 Nina Lightbrew
/tway Dun Morogh 17.8 74.6 High Admiral “Shelly” Jorrik
/tway Duskwood 75.8 45.4 Danielle Zipstitch
/tway Duskwood 75.6 45.4 Sheri Zipstitch
/tway Duskwood 81.8 19.8 Kzixx
/tway Eastern Plaguelands 74.2 51.0 Jase Farlane
/tway Elwynn Forest 42.0 67.0 Tharynn Bouden
/tway Elwynn Forest 83.2 66.6 Drake Lindgren
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 44.0 21.8 Bro'kin
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 56.0 46.4 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 52.6 56.2 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Hillsbrad Foothills 49.2 66.8 Zixil (WANDERING)
/tway Ironforge 40.2 33.4 Bombus Finespindle
/tway Ironforge 46.6 28.6 Burbik Gearspanner
/tway Ironforge 68.2 44.0 Gearcutter Cogspinner
/tway Ironforge 66.6 54.6 Soolie Berryfizz
/tway Ironforge 44.2 29.6 Outfitter Eric
/tway Ironforge 47.6 7.6 Transy Puddlefizz
/tway Loch Modan 35.6 49.0 Drac Roughcut
/tway Loch Modan 40.4 39.4 Khara Deepwater
/tway Loch Modan 82.6 63.2 Xandar Goodbeard
/tway Loch Modan 36.0 46.0 Rann Flamespinner
/tway Loch Modan 82.6 63.2 Xandar Goodbeard
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 43.6 23.0 Jaquilina Dramet
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 67.6 61.0 Gnaz Blunderflame
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 67.6 61.1 Knaz Blunderflame
/tway Northern Stranglethorn 47.4 10.2 Corporal Bluth
/tway Redridge Mountains 78.6 63.6 Clyde Ranthal
/tway Redridge Mountains 28.2 43.4 Amy Davenport
/tway Stormwind City 64.6 71.6 Edna Mullby
/tway Stormwind City 42.6 76.8 Darian Singh
/tway Stormwind City 55.6 85.6 Maria Lumere
/tway Stormwind City 53.2 81.6 Alexandra Bolero
/tway Stormwind City 63.2 37.6 Kaita Deepforge
/tway Stormwind City 55.0 69.6 Catherine Leland
/tway Stormwind City 53.0 74.2 Jessara Cordell
/tway Stormwind City 76.6 53.6 Kendor Kabonka
/tway Stormwind City 77.6 53.2 Erika Tate
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.0 70.6 Zarena Cromwind
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 69.2 Narkk
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.6 73.0 Xizk Goodstitch
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 40.8 82.2 Cowardly Crosby
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.2 71.6 Rikqiz
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.2 71.6 Rikqiz
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 43.0 72.8 Crazk Sparks
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 41.6 74.0 Jutak
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 74.8 Glyx Brewright
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.6 72.8 Mrs. Gant
/tway The Cape of Stranglethorn 42.8 69.0 Kelsey Yance
/tway The Hinterlands 13.6 44.8 Harggan
/tway The Hinterlands 34.6 38.4 Gigget Zipcoil
/tway The Hinterlands 34.2 37.8 Ruppo Zipcoil
/tway The Hinterlands 13.4 43.2 Nioma
/tway Twilight Highlands 78.6 76.2 Casandra Downs
/tway Western Plaguelands 43.0 84.2 Leonard Porter
/tway Westfall 57.6 53.8 Gina MacGregor
/tway Westfall 36.2 90.0 Kriggon Talsone
/tway Wetlands 10.0 59.0 Jennabink Powerseam
/tway Wetlands 25.6 25.8 Wenna Silkbeard
/tway Wetlands 26.8 26.0 Fradd Swiftgear

Alliance Kalimdor Waypoints

/tway Ashenvale 18.2 60.0 Harlown Darkweave
/tway Ashenvale 35.0 52.0 Dalria
/tway Ashenvale 34.8 49.8 Lardan
/tway Darnassus 60.4 36.8 Elynna
/tway Darnassus 60.0 37.2 Saenorion
/tway Darnassus 54.6 39.6 Ulthir
/tway Darnassus 58.2 35.0 Mythrin'dir
/tway Darnassus 56.6 52.6 Layna Karner
/tway Desolace 66.2 6.6 Janet Hommers
/tway Dustwallow Marsh 66.3 51.4 Helenia Olden
/tway Feralas 45.4 41.2 Pratt McGrubben
/tway Feralas 46.2 41.6 Vivianna
/tway Feralas 46.6 43.0 Logannas
/tway Moonglade 48.6 40.2 Lorelae Wintersong
/tway Northern Barrens 68.4 69.2 Gagsprocket
/tway Northern Barrens 67.0 73.4 Ranik
/tway Silithus 55.6 37.0 Kania
/tway Silithus 81.2 18.6 Zannok Hidepiercer
/tway Silithus 53.8 34.4 Mishta
/tway Tanaris 50.6 28.6 Haughty Modiste
/tway Tanaris 52.6 29.0 Dirge Quikcleave
/tway Tanaris 50.8 28.0 Alchemist Pestlezugg
/tway Tanaris 50.6 28.7 Vizzklick
/tway Tanaris 51.2 30.2 Krinkle Goodsteel
/tway Tanaris 50.5 28.6 Blizrik Buckshot
/tway The Exodar 53.0 90.0 Feera
/tway The Exodar 27.8 61.8 Altaa
/tway The Exodar 61.0 89.0 Arras
/tway The Exodar 39.8 39.8 Egomis
/tway The Exodar 66.6 74.0 Haferet
/tway The Exodar 64.6 68.6 Neii
/tway The Exodar 45.0 25.6 Arred
/tway Un'Goro Crater 43.4 41.6 Dramm Riverhorn
/tway Un'Goro Crater 54.8 62.6 Nergal
/tway Winterspring 59.2 50.8 Xizzer Fizzbolt
/tway Winterspring 59.6 49.2 Qia
/tway Winterspring 59.8 51.6 Himmik

Alliance Outland Waypoints

/tway Hellfire Peninsula 54.2 63.6 Sid Limbardi
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 53.8 65.4 Jezebel Bican
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 55.6 65.6 Lebowski
/tway Hellfire Peninsula 53.8 65.8 Alchemist Gribble
/tway Nagrand 53.2 71.8 Borto
/tway Nagrand 56.2 73.2 Uriku
/tway Netherstorm 44.0 36.6 Dealer Jadyan
/tway Shadowmoon Valley 36.8 54.4 Daggle Ironshaper
/tway Shadowmoon Valley 36.8 55.0 Mari Stonehand
/tway Shadowmoon Valley 55.8 58.2 Arrond (SCRYERS ONLY)
/tway Shattrath City 66.2 68.8 Eiin
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.4 Nasmara Moonsong
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.6 Andrion Darkspinner
/tway Shattrath City 66.6 68.7 Gidge Spellweaver
/tway Shattrath City 72.6 31.6 Wind Trader Lathrai
/tway Shattrath City 45.8 20.8 Skreah
/tway Shattrath City 64.8 69.6 Viggz Shinesparked
/tway Shattrath City 64.0 71.8 Aaron Hollman
/tway Shattrath City 63.6 70.0 Madame Ruby
/tway Terokkar Forest 57.6 53.4 Leeli Longhaggle
/tway Terokkar Forest 55.8 53.0 Supply Officer Mills
/tway Terokkar Forest 56.6 53.2 Innkeeper Biribi
/tway Zangarmarsh 17.8 51.2 Mycah (1 SHROOM PER)
/tway Zangarmarsh 78.0 66.0 Juno Dufrain
/tway Zangarmarsh 42.2 27.8 Doba
/tway Zangarmarsh 67.8 48.0 Haalrun
/tway Zangarmarsh 68.6 50.2 Loolruna
/tway Zangarmarsh 40.6 28.2 Muheru the Weaver

Alliance Northrend Waypoints

/tway Dalaran 39.0 26.0 Bryan Landers
/tway Dalaran 42.4 37.6 Larana Drome
/tway Icecrown 72.2 20.8 Fizzix Blastbolt
/tway Dalaran 42.4 37.6 Larana Drome

Alliance Pandaria Waypoints

/tway Krasarang Wilds 16.6 79.6 Tinkmaster Overspark (5.1 PVP EVENT NEEDED)

TSM Strings.

Limited Quantity Recipes


Unlimited Quantity Recipes


Horde Only Recipes


Ally Only Recipes



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