Gold Guide | Farming Gnomeregan - 6,400G/hr

Here is some Information for you if you're thinking about farming Gnomeregan for Gold.

The Instanceportal is Located in western Dun Morogh, but as a horde player you can use the teleporter located in Grom'gol. This porter makes the Instance really great to farm for Horde players, because you also get ported back there once you leave and have your mailbox and vendor right there.

The alliance has to go into Gnomeregan, down the elevator and then take a left, once they have the choice, to find the instance portal.
Inside we do, what no low level group should do. We take the parachute from the box located straight in front of the entrance, pull one of the Troggs, only the uninfected work for this, and jump down. On the bottom we pull the Viscous Fallout which is just circling behind us and then run straight across into the gnome tunnel.

Here I jump up and down and taunt in between to get the mobs on both levels. At the circle part you take a right, because the way down is on the left, and the mobs will pull that part for us. We pull all of them to Electrocutioner 6000 located in the middle, where we get another parachute and jump down to the left, run around the pillar for the platform and into the next tunnel.
Here I try to get onto the right path way, which has no entrance in the front. I'm able to make it sometimes with glider and heroic leap, but you could also just pull them with your pet or try to taunt them on the way back.

We kill the endboss for a chance on some rare engineering schematics, loot him and run back up the right path. Now you can seethe huge tail of mobs we have running behind us, most of them we pulled directly but there are also a lot that got pulled from the mobs. We take a right into the next room and round up the mobs in there. I use the first corner in the tunnel we came from to get the mobs to stack, kill and loot them and then take the elevator up. There we pull the first groups of the left and right site and head out the door that was in front of the elevator. This tunnel leads up to the back entrance.

A run like this takes a bit under 8 minutes, but as an alliance player you have to run to the main entrance again, which takes some time and once your bags fill up, you have to run to the save area inside Gnomeregan, to mail your stuff out and vendor everything. That's why I'm just going to calculate the Gold per hour with 9 minutes.

But before that, just a note on the Grime-Encrusted Objects you'll get. You turn those in at a Sparklematic 5200 inside the safe-zone, but the process is a really long one, so I'm not going to include those in my Calculation. I'm going to try to sell them raw though, because the box you'll get, can contain one of the new music scrolls, which some people want to have. If you want to know what else you can get from them, check out my opening video. Now to the Gold Calculation:

without Transmog:

Direct Gold = 52.16G
0.33x Greater Mystic Essence = 0.71G
40x Greater Astral Essence = 71.60G
49x Soul Dust = 80.85G
5x Strange Dust = 7.90G
725x Silk Cloth = 957.00G
216x Wool Cloth = 131.76G
1x Elemental Water = 3.72G
1x Liferoot = 1.84G
1x Swiftthistle = 1.81G
1x Mageroyal = 1.48G
8x Bronze Framework = 161.84G
8x Fused Wiring = 112.56G
29x Heavy Blasting Powder = 67.28G
4x Bronze Tube = 26.04G
11x Coarse Blasting Powder = 8.58G
2x Jade = 7.06G
1x Lesser Moonstone = 0.95G
1x Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection = 232.66G
1x Schematic: Goblin Land Mine = 215.84G
1x Schematic: Shadow Goggles = 146.73G
1x Pattern: Spider Silk Slippers = 167.64G
1x Pattern: Hillman's Belt = 91.32G
1x Green Iron SHoulders = 103.59G
= 5201.52G or 3347.68G/hr

with Transmog:

Gold without Transmog = 5201.52G
1x Hi-Supergun = 0G (3935.20G)
2x Battleforge Shoulderguards = 623.82G
1x Battleforge Armor = 293.29G
2x Lambent Scale Breastplate = 336.98G
2x Sage's Gloves of the Eagle = 345.42G
2x Emblazoned Gloves = 407.58G
2x Battleforge Girdle = 500.36G
2x Silver-Thread Sash = 763.56G
1x Durable Boots = 160.35G
1x Battleforge Boots = 365.81G
2x Sage's Boots of Intellect = 303.58G
= 9605.83G or 6403.89G/hr


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