WoW Alpha | All Port Coordinates
This is just a cleaned up Version of the Coordinates provided in the original ownedcore Post with a few extra ones added, so there is at least one for each of the zones.
Swimspeed 1-60
terminalVelocity 1-60
worldport 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Stranglethorn-Tal
worldport 0 3602.47 -1142.69 1.03249e-007 Mountains in Flat Lands (Quel'Thalas?)
worldport 0 -9549.58 -4939.88 174.657 Cool Piece of Land
worldport 0 2231.971191 2242.839111 99.736877 - Tirisfal-Ebene
worldport 0 -4488.9933105 -1580.191040 509.005066 - Ironforge Airport
worldport 0 258 351 41.907 - Dalaraan (Inside)
worldport 0 16449.900391 16393.199219 69.444397 Programmer Island
worldport 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
worldport 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
worldport 0 -3855 -3479 579 Wetlands Mountain Camp
worldport 0 -6374 1260 8 Newman's Landing
worldport 0 -6161 -786 423 Dun Morogh plane camp
worldport 1 -12352.9 3055.12 15.6725 Developer's Playground
worldport 1 -10082.2 -5656.43 6.24787 Goblin Obeservatory
worldport 1 -11700.4 2282.02 -11.8416 Underwater Developer's Playground
worldport 1 -10900.4 2200.02 100 Uldum?
worldport 1 10389 -1886.06 183.379 Desert Outpost with a Waterfall
worldport 1 2813.660645 2248.552979 215.524643 Stonetalon Ruins
worldport 1 524 -236 582 Stonetalon Help
Worldport 0 1831.26 238.53 60.52 Undercity
Worldport 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 Ironforge
Worldport 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
Worldport 1 1502.711060 -4415.416016 21.551229 Orgrimmar
worldport 1 -1285.417847 176.522873 129.993927 Thunderbluff
Alterac Mountains:
worldport 0 -74.6376 201.212 53.2755 Lordamere Internment Camp
worldport 0 258 351 41.9076 Dalaran Inside the Dome
worldport 0 386.938 212.299 43.6994 Dalaran Ruins
worldport 0 1239.12 -286.705 42.4764 The Uplands
worldport 0 679.813 -965.173 164.598 Strahnbrad
worldport 0 522.608 -275.392 150.689 Ruins of Alterac
Arathi Highlands:
worldport 0 -2086.88 -2074.57 5.72927 Faldir's Cove
worldport 0 -1969.08 -2789.04 81.2105 Boulderfist Hall
worldport 0 -1505.51 -3030.52 12.627 Go'Shek Farm
worldport 0 -1763.41 -3371.67 40.609 Witherbark Village
worldport 0 -950.584 -3533.13 71.8318 Hammerfall
worldport 0 -1065.89 -2905.56 42.0958 Dabyrie's Farmstead
worldport 0 -1262.79 -2521.75 20.8021 Refuge Pointe
worldport 0 -797.235 -2068.95 33.8337 Northfold Manor
worldport 0 -863.118 -1784.72 39.6118 Circle of West Binding
worldport 0 -839.599 -1590.32 54.1962 Thoradin's Wall
worldport 0 -1661.42 -1804.2 83.0723 Stormgarde Keep
worldport 0 -1529.75 -2166.7 17.3717 Circle of Inner Binding
worldport 0 -1354.4 -2738.07 58.9657 Circle of Outer Binding
worldport 0 -842.604 -3270.04 78.3588 Circle of East Binding
worldport 0 -6092.32 -3214.55 262.727 Excavatin Site
worldport 0 -6411.58 -3409.85 241.537 Hamertoe's Digsite
worldport 0 -6247.73 -3776.6 249.06 Camp Cosh
worldport 0 -6935.86 -4092.06 285.906 Lethlor Ravine
worldport 0 -7033.94 -3669.89 245.91 Camp Boff
worldport 0 -7027.81 -3330.11 241.51 Agmond's End
worldport 0 -7147.67 -2430.87 240.51 Camp Cagg
worldport 0 -6894.29 -2465.82 247.978 Apocryphan's Rest
worldport 0 -6675.96 -2188.29 246.152 Kargath Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -6380.77 -3139.89 301.111 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
worldport 0 -5829.66 -2585.59 311.971 Two Giant Sitting Dwarfs
Blasted Lands:
worldport 0 -10859 -2663.38 7.80049 Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -11272.8 -2547.59 102.02 Altar of Storms
worldport 0 -11853.6 -3197.44 -27.2186 Dark Portal
worldport 0 -11033 -3095.22 89.8189 Azureload Human Town
Burning Steppes:
worldport 0 -7924.68 -2624.44 220.958 Dreadmaul Rock
worldport 0 -8066.68 -1621.66 132.982 Giant Orc Statue
worldport 0 -7613.13 -761.492 190.807 Altar of Storms
worldport 0 -7468 -1082 896 Top of Blackrock Mountain
Deadwind Pass
worldport 0 -11000 -1980 200 Karazhan Entrance
worldport 0 -11100 -2000 400 Highest Point in Krazhan
Dun Morogh:
worldport 0 -5475.44 -2425.32 413.455 Dwarf Outpost
worldport 0 -5231.95 -2366.98 398.807 Dwarf Outpost
worldport 0 -5607.39 -1984.16 396.373 Helm's Bed Lake
worldport 0 -5826.35 -1586.57 364.269 Gol'Bolar Quarry
worldport 0 -5582.32 -463.982 402 Kharanos
worldport 0 -5470.37 -662.312 392.674 Steelgrill's Depot
worldport 0 -5353.18 -1043.02 394.772 Misty Pine Refuge
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 City of Ironforge
worldport 0 -6325.7 294.835 379.791 Coldridge Valley
worldport 0 -6110.8 388.517 395.542 Anvilmar
worldport 0 -5368.81 319.498 394.123 Brewnall Village
worldport 0 -5259.74 107.593 392.567 Iceflow Lake
worldport 0 -5179.58 660.421 388.391 Gnomeregan
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 ironforge
worldport 0 -10649.7 -884.01 50.8196 Brightwood Grove
worldport 0 -10385 -424.696 63.534 Twilight Grove
worldport 0 -11105.4 -500.791 32.8518 Yorgen Farmstead
worldport 0 -11069.3 -927.315 63.502 The Rotting Orchard
worldport 0 -10993.3 -1331.19 52.7805 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
worldport 0 -10567.5 -1169.86 29.0826 Dark Shire
worldport 0 -10435.4 -1809.28 98.3851 Deadwind Pass
worldport 0 -10750.1 323.644 38.0417 Raven Hill
worldport 0 -10316.7 342.295 59.6454 Ravenhill Cemetery
worldport 0 -10992.6 268.794 27.5101 Addle's Stead
worldport 0 -10359.9 -1531.75 91.5352 Beggar's Haunt
worldport 0 -11078.9 -2078.53 206.878 Medivh's Tower
Eastern Plaguelands:
worldport 0 2433.31 -3782.06 185.472 Ziggaraut
worldport 0 2016.11 -4486.36 73.6226 Village
worldport 0 2823.83 -3727.76 124.971 Ziggaraut in Mushroom Field
worldport 0 3097.32 -3562.77 134.093 Slaughterhouse in Mushroom Field
worldport 0 3653.67 -3609.77 137.118 Unknown City
worldport 0 3452.83 -4992.61 196.981 Cool Temple
worldport 0 2719.29 -5479.3 159.542 Slaughterhouse
worldport 0 1612.63 -5524.9 111.148 Tyr's Hand
Elwynn Forest:
worldport 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
worldport 0 -8951.62 524.373 96.6275 Valley of Heroes
worldport 0 -8852.03 652.878 96.46 Stormwind Trade District
worldport 0 -8675.39 635.774 96.9275 Stormwind Canals
worldport 0 -8662.9 498.212 100.833 Stormwind Old Town
worldport 0 -8635.62 762.727 103.667 Stormwind Cathedral Square
worldport 0 -8513.49 861.197 111.039 Stormwind Cathedral of Light
worldport 0 -9007.65 870.424 148.618 Stormwind Wizard's Sanctum
worldport 0 -8896.36 834.148 99.5207 Stormwind Mage Quarter
worldport 0 -8937.08 640.4 100.645 Stormwind Bank
worldport 0 -9043.76 -41.5906 88.3589 Northshire Valley
worldport 0 -9092.38 -368.684 73.6163 Northshire Vineyards
worldport 0 -9443.45 59.8944 56.0704 Goldshire
worldport 0 -9355.84 537.441 52.5171 Mirror Lake
worldport 0 -9469.08 467.583 54.0913 Mirror Lake Orchard
worldport 0 -9646.46 679.589 37.4136 Forest's Edge
worldport 0 -9964.72 391.509 35.6555 The Stonefiled Farm
worldport 0 -9881.4 88.8972 33.3196 The Maclure Vineyards
worldport 0 -9462.99 -161.312 60.7274 Crystal Lake
worldport 0 -9769.82 -811.712 40.9564 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
worldport 0 -9549 -1407.04 54.7673 Eastvale Logging Camp
worldport 0 -9136.28 -1053.89 70.624 Hero's Vigil
worldport 0 -9325.33 -1038.92 65.3535 Stone Cairn Lake
worldport 0 -780.376 1527.28 30.2465 behind Greymane Wall
Hillsbrad Foothills:
worldport 0 -898.266 -1044.33 30.3478 Nethander Stead
worldport 0 -1266.15 -1198.95 40.1765 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
worldport 0 -489.832 -1391.35 53.3854 Durnholde Keep
worldport 0 -821.604 -544.654 15.0387 Southshore Human Harbor Town
worldport 0 -1019.67 -359.442 5.13463 Western Strand
worldport 0 -1234.91 -943.205 8.62585 Eastern Strand
worldport 0 -501.505 91.4121 59.0582 Hillsbrad Fields Human Town
worldport 0 -870.601 233.102 9.93092 Unknown Mine
worldport 0 -28.1484 -899.243 56.0704 Tarren Mill
worldport 0 724.846 -3996.11 149.735 Seradene Night Elf Portal and Giant World Tree
worldport 0 362.039 -3796.03 153.998 Skulk Rock
worldport 0 -69.8514 -4536 7.28923 Overlook Cliffs
worldport 0 -678.757 -4018.61 238.351 Jintha'Alor
worldport 0 -295.384 -3459.12 194.005 The Altar of Zul
worldport 0 -464.208 -2837.23 110.073 Shadra'Alor
worldport 0 266.941 -2751.41 122.544 Quel'Danil Night Elf Lodge
worldport 0 -35.7245 -2479.51 120.423 Zun'Watha
worldport 0 327.814 -1959.99 197.724 Aerie Peak
Loch Modan:
worldport 0 -5335.61 -2982.58 332.669 Thelsamar
worldport 0 -5201.86 -3136.59 298.761 The Loch Lake
worldport 0 -4939.1 -3423.74 305.595 Wreck from Battle
worldport 0 -4871.78 -4025.77 313.141 Mo'Grosh Stronghold
worldport 0 -5675.42 -4244.87 407.002 Purple Night Elf Building
worldport 0 -5755.53 -3998.42 330.436 Ironband's Excavation Site
worldport 0 -4771.99 -3329.01 345.504 Stonewrough Dam
worldport 0 -4231.86 -2361.37 204.069 Dun Algaz
Red Ridge Mountains:
worldport 0 -9319 -1937.94 58.0698 Lake Everstill
worldport 0 -9282.98 -2269.64 69.39 Lakeshire
worldport 0 -9168.66 -2726.31 90.0426 Alther's Mill
worldport 0 -9385.46 -3039.27 139.437 Stonewatch
worldport 0 -8687.39 -2330.38 155.916 Orc Outpost
Searing Gorge:
worldport 0 -6892.24 -1342.38 239.913 The Cauldron
worldport 0 -7317.34 -1072.33 277.069 Blackrock Mountain
worldport 0 -6986.92 -1705.54 241.667 Grimeslit Dig Site
Silverpine Forest:
worldport 0 -126.954 815.624 66.0224 Ambermill
worldport 0 -416.466 1543.87 17.5941 Pyrewood Village
worldport 0 -202.557 1666.88 79.7641 Shadowfang Keep
worldport 0 -577.865 1807.08 8.2492 South Tide's Run
worldport 0 -757.376 1527.28 17.2465 The Greymane Wall
worldport 0 -987.449 1585.69 53.4298 Behind The Greymane Wall Unfinished Location
worldport 0 374.222 1083.9 106.509 Mine
worldport 0 507.784 1611.33 124.921 The Sepulcher
worldport 0 134.209 1496.64 114.394 Olsen's Farthing
worldport 0 675.698 974.873 34.8849 The Decrepit Fairy
worldport 0 762.653 909.072 31.2142 Lordamere Lake
worldport 0 731.866 727.793 37.0975 Fenris Isle
worldport 0 960.45 689.611 59.7365 Fenris Isle Fortress Ruins
worldport 0 982.34 201.239 34.9509 The Dawning Isles
worldport 0 1414.28 1073.22 52.4649 Malden's Orchard
worldport 0 1285.69 1242.33 52.6914 The Ivar Patch
worldport 0 964.877 1238.75 48.0979 Valgan's Field
worldport 0 1035.91 1540.85 30.525 The Dead Field
worldport 0 1293.65 1957.71 19.5619 The Skittering Dark
worldport 0 873.391 1852.5 5.0548 North Tide's Run
Strangelthon Vale:
worldport 0 -14692.4 506.162 1.78241 Wild Shore
worldport 0 -14740.7 -432.482 4.00624 Jaguero Isle (Statue of Liberty)
worldport 0 -14406.6 419.353 22.3907 Booty Bay
worldport 0 -14178.2 712.03 29.1868 Janeiro's Point
worldport 0 -13274.4 769.951 2.45505 The Savage Coast
worldport 0 -13382.6 2.10815 21.8683 Ruins of Jubuwal
worldport 0 -13152.9 342.729 52.1328 Arena
worldport 0 -12352.8 211.452 4.5846 Grom'Gol Base Camp
worldport 0 -11977.4 332.254 3.20626 Bal'lal Ruins
worldport 0 -12258.9 621.105 -68.3247 The Vile Reef
worldport 0 -11683.1 925.209 3.64735 Zuuldaia Ruins
worldport 0 -11693.9 702.532 49.9689 Ruins of Zul'Kunda
worldport 0 -11586.5 -657.662 32.9941 Kurzen's Compound
worldport 0 -11845 -1199.29 77.2075 Unfinished Temple
worldport 0 -11712.7 -1758.67 22.4509 Random Bay Ruins
worldport 0 -11988 -1484.99 78.9735 Floating Bridge
worldport 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Unfinished Hills
worldport 0 -11311.5 -195.19 76.3198 Rebel Camp
worldport 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
worldport 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
Swamp of Sorrows:
worldport 0 -10103.4 -2431.61 28.4491 Misty Valley
worldport 0 -10452.5 -3263.59 20.1782 Stonard Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -9980.38 -3568.28 22.0569 Fallow Sanctuary Murloc Outpost
worldport 0 -10022.2 -4266.67 7.26064 Mistyreed Strand
worldport 0 -10303.5 -3972.28 20.2882 Pool of Tears
worldport 0 -10349.1 -3849.67 -25.6078 Sunken Temple
Trisfal Glades:
worldport 0 1871.14 1587.91 91.2143 Deathknell
worldport 0 2268.03 1333.63 34.7835 Solliden Farmstead
worldport 0 2538.92 1407.01 5.69061 Whispering Shore
worldport 0 2803.27 847.119 111.841 Agamand Mills
worldport 0 2861.67 398.526 21.1504 Garren's Haunt
worldport 0 2955.79 99.8215 3.32947 The North Coast
worldport 0 2685.13 -198.851 31.4095 Brightwater Lake
worldport 0 2563.98 -51.7975 31.7441 Gunther's Retreat
worldport 0 2260.64 289.021 34.1291 Brill Forsaken Village
worldport 0 2146.99 658.485 33.59 Cold Hearth Manor
worldport 0 1832.44 236.426 60.4171 Ruins of Lordaeron
worldport 0 1628.3 239.925 64.5006 The Throne Room
worldport 0 1586.48 239.562 -52.149 The Undercity Trade Quarter
worldport 0 1614.68 643.289 37.0547 The Undercity Caves
worldport 0 1658.95 303.76 -42.6923 The Undercity War Quarter
worldport 0 1786.82 47.9279 -29.1457 The Undercity Magic Quarter
worldport 0 1466.11 49.6445 -62.2932 The Undercity Rogue's Quarter
worldport 0 1410.31 430.512 -80.3588 The Undercity The Apothecarium
worldport 0 2032.01 -432.954 35.4329 Balnir Farmstead
worldport 0 2795.02 -753.797 138.036 Whispering Gardens
worldport 0 2922.59 -740.071 153.983 Terrace of Repose
worldport 0 2853.92 -718.217 148.381 Unfinished Mansion
worldport 0 3040.8 -552.374 122.216 Scarlet Watch Post
worldport 0 1716.02 -788.217 56.844 The Bulwark
Western Plaguelands:
worldport 0 1386.47 -1518.8 72.4034 Ruins of Anderhol
worldport 0 1064.09 -1718.04 61.1348 Sorrow Hill
worldport 0 981.477 -1821.84 80.4872 Paladin Statue
worldport 0 1738.52 -2319.93 59.5751 Gahrron's Withering
worldport 0 1487.77 -1884.87 59.2039 The Writhing Haunt
worldport 0 1835.04 -1568.1 59.1818 Dalson's Tears
worldport 0 1782.26 -1211.93 59.4057 Felstone Field
worldport 0 2423.42 -1646.44 60.5098 Northridge Lumber Camp
worldport 0 2918.72 -1439.39 150.782 Hearthglenn
worldport 0 1234.83 -2118.49 50.8011 Darrowmere Lake
worldport 0 1125.31 -2541.35 78.3562 Caer Darrow The Dark Portal
worldport 0 -10510 1046.89 60.518 Sentinel Hill
worldport 0 -11018.4 1513.69 43.0152 Moonbrook Westfall
worldport 0 -10644.8 1681.3 42.0338 Alexston Farmsted
worldport 0 -10513.9 2075.23 12.1819 Longshore
worldport 0 -10171.8 1195.41 36.4345 Saldean's Farm
worldport 0 -11399.2 1947.85 10.1451 Westfall Lighthouse
worldport 0 -9903.53 1245.26 42.0563 Furlbrow's Pumpkin Patch
worldport 0 -4053.99 -3450.62 283.383 Unknown Big Dwarf City
worldport 0 -3465.16 -3727.56 64.5778 Big Broken Gates
worldport 0 -3256.88 -2718.36 9.41205 Weird Flowers
worldport 0 -2849.21 -2220.06 31.3835 Ironbead's Tomb
worldport 0 -2955 -1022.21 10.0919 Baradin Bay
worldport 0 -3754.19 -1087.3 -1.71875 Menethil Bay
worldport 0 -3740.29 -755.08 10.9643 Menethil Harbor
worldport 0 -2605.21 -2341.09 83.3551 Dun Modr
worldport 0 -2336.47 -2509.82 85.2212 Thandol Span
worldport 0 -3522.96 -1848.58 25.1502 Whelgar's Excavation Site
worldport 1 2867.03 -2595.67 219.911 Xavian
worldport 1 2745.85 -378.33 108.253 Astrnaar
worldport 1 3155 -3702 121 Night Elf Portal
worldport 1 4577.61 419.307 33.7161 Master's Glaive
worldport 1 2439.16 -3500.08 98.5954 Kargathia Orc Outpost
worldport 1 2757.59 -2967.58 143.882 Satyrnaar
worldport 1 2454.38 -2943.27 124 Moonwell
worldport 1 2114.86 -2998.32 111.396 Felfire Hill
worldport 1 1626.91 -3057.36 89.4942 Demon Fall Canyon
worldport 1 1775.1 -2679.19 111.666 The Dor'danil Barrow Den
worldport 1 1669.74 -1714.14 97.9564 Falfarren River
worldport 1 2673.51 -1859.72 188.112 Raynewood Retreat
worldport 1 3466.36 -6656.29 -58.5217 Underwater Dark Portal
worldport 1 3546.8 -5287.96 109.935 Aszhara Naga City
worldport 1 -1719.08 -3824.99 12.0836 Barrens Merchant Coast
worldport 1 -3120.86 -2327.89 93.1243 Barrens Field of Giants
worldport 1 -4095.7 -2305.74 124.914 Bael Modan
worldport 1 -4319.38 -2110.38 80.8662 Barrens Gnoll Outpost Inside a Giant Beast
worldport 1 -4619.15 -1850.91 86.0563 Barrens The Great Lift
worldport 1 -2388.95 -1918.82 96.7422 Camp Taurajo
worldport 1 -964.776 -2039.74 81.3491 Lushwater Oasis
worldport 1 -1330.17 -3120.07 91.6667 The Stagnant Oasis
worldport 1 -943.935 -3715.49 11.8385 Ratchet Troll Port Outpost
worldport 1 -456.263 -2652.7 95.615 The Crossroads
worldport 1 110.197 -1891.39 93.5444 The Forgotten Pools
worldport 1 1059.54 -3003.53 91.6441 The Sludge Fen
Dark Shore:
worldport 1 4995.94 82.9197 54.3857 Grove of The Ancients
worldport 1 5028.14 534.745 7.28397 The Long Wash
worldport 1 6439.28 614.957 5.98831 Auberdine
worldport 1 6735.43 6.71422 42.7028 Bashal'Aran
worldport 1 6931.74 -569.077 44.8192 Cliffspring River
worldport 1 7177.46 -761.607 59.6101 Tower of Althalaxx
worldport 1 7373.38 -938.331 32.6196 Ruins of Mathystra
worldport 1 7742.92 -769.867 5.22102 Mist's Edge
worldport 1 -439.192 1708.22 125.856 Thunder Axe Fortress
worldport 1 -242.347 764.848 98.7113 Sargeron
worldport 1 -939.787 1091.4 93.8119 Kolkar Village
worldport 1 -1754.33 967.89 92.5626 Magram Village
worldport 1 -1879.28 1745.49 78.8892 Mannoroc Coven
worldport 1 -2222.47 2522.4 68.4424 Gelkis Village
worldport 1 -1482.87 2855.86 112.854 Valley of Spears
worldport 1 -592.792 2592.84 15.467 Sar'Theris Strand
worldport 1 -1305.19 1837.56 55.731 Kodo Graveyard
worldport 1 -1156.34 1894.49 86.2854 Ghost Walker Post
worldport 1 -1124.19 -5535.02 8.62076 Echo Isles
worldport 1 -636.469 -4243.52 38.1339 Valley of Trials Bindpoint
worldport 1 -844.586 -4924.29 20.8708 Sen'Jin Village
worldport 1 -1028.63 -4599.8 25.5756 Kolkar Crag
worldport 1 -250.245 -5070.41 22.5875 Tiragarde Keep
worldport 1 242.548 -5151.46 1.60441 Scuttle Coast
worldport 1 304.762 -4734.97 9.30458 Razorhill
worldport 1 114.769 -3758.95 17.8907 Southfury River
worldport 1 925.127 -4038.29 -13.338 Thunder Ridge
worldport 1 1484.36 -4417.03 24.4709 Orgrimmar
worldport 1 1525.73 -4968.13 17.1397 Bladefist Bay
worldport 1 918.715 -5115.69 2.85835 Deadeye Shore
Dustwallow Marsh:
worldport 1 -3719.26 -2530.63 69.58 Shady Rest Inn
worldport 1 -3922.24 -2839.21 44.6212 Lost Point
worldport 1 -4336.82 -3018.67 33.1744 The Den of Flame
worldport 1 -4197.56 -2873.76 44.6771 The Dragonmurk
worldport 1 -4354.46 -3275.34 46.0475 Stonemaul Ruins
worldport 1 -4006.19 -3777.83 40.6804 Beezil's Zepellins Wreck
worldport 1 -3129.38 -2864.51 34.8711 Brackenwall Orc Village
worldport 1 -2855.96 -3422.66 36.7473 North Point Tower
worldport 1 -3459.39 -4130.3 16.3786 Sentry Point
worldport 1 -3012.72 -4345.51 6.83608 Dreadmurk Shore
worldport 1 -3729.36 -4421.41 30.4474 Theramore Isle Cit
worldport 1 6200 -1035 387 Three Frozen Ancients
worldport 1 3652.24 928.308 7.01517 Zoram's Stand
worldport 1 -4358.88 3241 12.3636 Feralas Island Night Elf City
worldport 1 -2871.76 1885.29 52.6501 Feralas
worldport 1 -2858.35 2611.48 58.3777 Feralas Ruins
worldport 1 -4522.22 2038.54 50.1436 Feralas Coast
worldport 1 -5566.04 1449.82 20.1135 Big Feralas Ruins
worldport 1 -4369.68 242.294 25.4133 Tauren Village
worldport 1 -4517.1 -780.415 -40.736 Thalanaar
worldport 1 4674.88 -3638.37 965.264
worldport 1 7999.68 -2670.2 512.2
worldport 1 -2321.74 -378.941 -9.40597 Bloodhoof Tauren Village
worldport 1 -2905.3 -253.768 56.0612 Tauren Camp Narache
worldport 1 -2933.37 -963.993 58.2343 Brambleblade Ravine
worldport 1 -2928.26 -46.1054 188.892 Red Cloud Mesa
worldport 1 -1897.98 400.675 134.787 Bael'Dun Digside
worldport 1 -758.744 -149.474 -27.712 Wildmane Water Well
worldport 1 -1008.68 -1115.72 46.046 Red Rocks
worldport 1 -1915.66 -1107.44 87.572 Mulgore Mine
worldport 1 -1285.417847 176.522873 129.993927 Thunderbluff
worldport 1 -6817.020020 818.829956 49.9749184 4.770101 cenarion hold
worldport 1 -8185.09 1528.22 2.98973 Floating Crystal Gates
worldport 1 -9678.11 1530.11 43.025 Temple of Ahn'qiraj Entrance
Stonetalon Mountains:
worldport 1 -239.089 -809.973 8.78944 Stonetalon Mountains
worldport 1 -87.9634 -565.775 -12.1339 Greatwood Vale
worldport 1 -191.661 -301.87 12.2698 Sunrock Retreat
worldport 1 1160.25 51.3229 1.072 Windshear Crag
worldport 1 1618.33 161.796 133.084 Cragpool Lake
worldport 1 2506.3 1470.14 262.722 Stonetalon Peak
worldport 1 821.99 1599.07 -21.1896 Charred Vale
worldport 1 -6942.47 -4847.1 0.667853 Tanaris
worldport 1 9892.57 982.424 1313.83 Dolanaar
worldport 1 9477.19 1005.74 1249.01 Lake Al'Ameth
worldport 1 9114.65 1846.06 1327.5 Gnarlpine Hold
worldport 1 9561.33 1743 1291.91 Pools of Arilthrien
worldport 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
worldport 1 10699.8 738.73 1325.881 Shadowglen
worldport 1 10455.7 798.455 1346.75 Aldrassil
Thousand Needles:
worldport 1 -5437.4 -2437.47 89.3083 Freewood Post
worldport 1 -5467.33 -1633.45 29.4245 The Screeching Canyon
worldport 1 -5000.46 -940.209 -5.58816 Highperch
worldport 1 -6202.16 -3901.68 -60.2858 The Racetrack
worldport 1 -6495.56 -3472.69 -58.7786 The Rustmaul Dig Site
Un'goro Crater
worldport 1 -7434.56 -1983.21 -270.149 Ungoro Crater
1 6107.620117 -4181.600098 852.322021 Winterspring
Basic Coammands
Speed 1-60Swimspeed 1-60
terminalVelocity 1-60
Secret/Hard to get Locations
Eastern Kingdomworldport 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Stranglethorn-Tal
worldport 0 3602.47 -1142.69 1.03249e-007 Mountains in Flat Lands (Quel'Thalas?)
worldport 0 -9549.58 -4939.88 174.657 Cool Piece of Land
worldport 0 2231.971191 2242.839111 99.736877 - Tirisfal-Ebene
worldport 0 -4488.9933105 -1580.191040 509.005066 - Ironforge Airport
worldport 0 258 351 41.907 - Dalaraan (Inside)
worldport 0 16449.900391 16393.199219 69.444397 Programmer Island
worldport 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
worldport 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
worldport 0 -3855 -3479 579 Wetlands Mountain Camp
worldport 0 -6374 1260 8 Newman's Landing
worldport 0 -6161 -786 423 Dun Morogh plane camp
worldport 1 -12352.9 3055.12 15.6725 Developer's Playground
worldport 1 -10082.2 -5656.43 6.24787 Goblin Obeservatory
worldport 1 -11700.4 2282.02 -11.8416 Underwater Developer's Playground
worldport 1 -10900.4 2200.02 100 Uldum?
worldport 1 10389 -1886.06 183.379 Desert Outpost with a Waterfall
worldport 1 2813.660645 2248.552979 215.524643 Stonetalon Ruins
worldport 1 524 -236 582 Stonetalon Help
Capital Citys
Eastern KingdomWorldport 0 1831.26 238.53 60.52 Undercity
Worldport 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 Ironforge
Worldport 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
Worldport 1 1502.711060 -4415.416016 21.551229 Orgrimmar
worldport 1 -1285.417847 176.522873 129.993927 Thunderbluff
Eastern Kingdom
![]() |
Source and high res version @Marlamin |
worldport 0 -74.6376 201.212 53.2755 Lordamere Internment Camp
worldport 0 258 351 41.9076 Dalaran Inside the Dome
worldport 0 386.938 212.299 43.6994 Dalaran Ruins
worldport 0 1239.12 -286.705 42.4764 The Uplands
worldport 0 679.813 -965.173 164.598 Strahnbrad
worldport 0 522.608 -275.392 150.689 Ruins of Alterac
Arathi Highlands:
worldport 0 -2086.88 -2074.57 5.72927 Faldir's Cove
worldport 0 -1969.08 -2789.04 81.2105 Boulderfist Hall
worldport 0 -1505.51 -3030.52 12.627 Go'Shek Farm
worldport 0 -1763.41 -3371.67 40.609 Witherbark Village
worldport 0 -950.584 -3533.13 71.8318 Hammerfall
worldport 0 -1065.89 -2905.56 42.0958 Dabyrie's Farmstead
worldport 0 -1262.79 -2521.75 20.8021 Refuge Pointe
worldport 0 -797.235 -2068.95 33.8337 Northfold Manor
worldport 0 -863.118 -1784.72 39.6118 Circle of West Binding
worldport 0 -839.599 -1590.32 54.1962 Thoradin's Wall
worldport 0 -1661.42 -1804.2 83.0723 Stormgarde Keep
worldport 0 -1529.75 -2166.7 17.3717 Circle of Inner Binding
worldport 0 -1354.4 -2738.07 58.9657 Circle of Outer Binding
worldport 0 -842.604 -3270.04 78.3588 Circle of East Binding
worldport 0 -6092.32 -3214.55 262.727 Excavatin Site
worldport 0 -6411.58 -3409.85 241.537 Hamertoe's Digsite
worldport 0 -6247.73 -3776.6 249.06 Camp Cosh
worldport 0 -6935.86 -4092.06 285.906 Lethlor Ravine
worldport 0 -7033.94 -3669.89 245.91 Camp Boff
worldport 0 -7027.81 -3330.11 241.51 Agmond's End
worldport 0 -7147.67 -2430.87 240.51 Camp Cagg
worldport 0 -6894.29 -2465.82 247.978 Apocryphan's Rest
worldport 0 -6675.96 -2188.29 246.152 Kargath Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -6380.77 -3139.89 301.111 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
worldport 0 -5829.66 -2585.59 311.971 Two Giant Sitting Dwarfs
Blasted Lands:
worldport 0 -10859 -2663.38 7.80049 Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -11272.8 -2547.59 102.02 Altar of Storms
worldport 0 -11853.6 -3197.44 -27.2186 Dark Portal
worldport 0 -11033 -3095.22 89.8189 Azureload Human Town
Burning Steppes:
worldport 0 -7924.68 -2624.44 220.958 Dreadmaul Rock
worldport 0 -8066.68 -1621.66 132.982 Giant Orc Statue
worldport 0 -7613.13 -761.492 190.807 Altar of Storms
worldport 0 -7468 -1082 896 Top of Blackrock Mountain
Deadwind Pass
worldport 0 -11000 -1980 200 Karazhan Entrance
worldport 0 -11100 -2000 400 Highest Point in Krazhan
Dun Morogh:
worldport 0 -5475.44 -2425.32 413.455 Dwarf Outpost
worldport 0 -5231.95 -2366.98 398.807 Dwarf Outpost
worldport 0 -5607.39 -1984.16 396.373 Helm's Bed Lake
worldport 0 -5826.35 -1586.57 364.269 Gol'Bolar Quarry
worldport 0 -5582.32 -463.982 402 Kharanos
worldport 0 -5470.37 -662.312 392.674 Steelgrill's Depot
worldport 0 -5353.18 -1043.02 394.772 Misty Pine Refuge
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 City of Ironforge
worldport 0 -6325.7 294.835 379.791 Coldridge Valley
worldport 0 -6110.8 388.517 395.542 Anvilmar
worldport 0 -5368.81 319.498 394.123 Brewnall Village
worldport 0 -5259.74 107.593 392.567 Iceflow Lake
worldport 0 -5179.58 660.421 388.391 Gnomeregan
worldport 0 -4981.25 -881.542 501.66 ironforge
worldport 0 -10649.7 -884.01 50.8196 Brightwood Grove
worldport 0 -10385 -424.696 63.534 Twilight Grove
worldport 0 -11105.4 -500.791 32.8518 Yorgen Farmstead
worldport 0 -11069.3 -927.315 63.502 The Rotting Orchard
worldport 0 -10993.3 -1331.19 52.7805 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery
worldport 0 -10567.5 -1169.86 29.0826 Dark Shire
worldport 0 -10435.4 -1809.28 98.3851 Deadwind Pass
worldport 0 -10750.1 323.644 38.0417 Raven Hill
worldport 0 -10316.7 342.295 59.6454 Ravenhill Cemetery
worldport 0 -10992.6 268.794 27.5101 Addle's Stead
worldport 0 -10359.9 -1531.75 91.5352 Beggar's Haunt
worldport 0 -11078.9 -2078.53 206.878 Medivh's Tower
Eastern Plaguelands:
worldport 0 2433.31 -3782.06 185.472 Ziggaraut
worldport 0 2016.11 -4486.36 73.6226 Village
worldport 0 2823.83 -3727.76 124.971 Ziggaraut in Mushroom Field
worldport 0 3097.32 -3562.77 134.093 Slaughterhouse in Mushroom Field
worldport 0 3653.67 -3609.77 137.118 Unknown City
worldport 0 3452.83 -4992.61 196.981 Cool Temple
worldport 0 2719.29 -5479.3 159.542 Slaughterhouse
worldport 0 1612.63 -5524.9 111.148 Tyr's Hand
Elwynn Forest:
worldport 0 -8913.23 554.633 93.7944 Stormwind City
worldport 0 -8951.62 524.373 96.6275 Valley of Heroes
worldport 0 -8852.03 652.878 96.46 Stormwind Trade District
worldport 0 -8675.39 635.774 96.9275 Stormwind Canals
worldport 0 -8662.9 498.212 100.833 Stormwind Old Town
worldport 0 -8635.62 762.727 103.667 Stormwind Cathedral Square
worldport 0 -8513.49 861.197 111.039 Stormwind Cathedral of Light
worldport 0 -9007.65 870.424 148.618 Stormwind Wizard's Sanctum
worldport 0 -8896.36 834.148 99.5207 Stormwind Mage Quarter
worldport 0 -8937.08 640.4 100.645 Stormwind Bank
worldport 0 -9043.76 -41.5906 88.3589 Northshire Valley
worldport 0 -9092.38 -368.684 73.6163 Northshire Vineyards
worldport 0 -9443.45 59.8944 56.0704 Goldshire
worldport 0 -9355.84 537.441 52.5171 Mirror Lake
worldport 0 -9469.08 467.583 54.0913 Mirror Lake Orchard
worldport 0 -9646.46 679.589 37.4136 Forest's Edge
worldport 0 -9964.72 391.509 35.6555 The Stonefiled Farm
worldport 0 -9881.4 88.8972 33.3196 The Maclure Vineyards
worldport 0 -9462.99 -161.312 60.7274 Crystal Lake
worldport 0 -9769.82 -811.712 40.9564 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch
worldport 0 -9549 -1407.04 54.7673 Eastvale Logging Camp
worldport 0 -9136.28 -1053.89 70.624 Hero's Vigil
worldport 0 -9325.33 -1038.92 65.3535 Stone Cairn Lake
worldport 0 -780.376 1527.28 30.2465 behind Greymane Wall
Hillsbrad Foothills:
worldport 0 -898.266 -1044.33 30.3478 Nethander Stead
worldport 0 -1266.15 -1198.95 40.1765 Unknown Dwarf Fortress
worldport 0 -489.832 -1391.35 53.3854 Durnholde Keep
worldport 0 -821.604 -544.654 15.0387 Southshore Human Harbor Town
worldport 0 -1019.67 -359.442 5.13463 Western Strand
worldport 0 -1234.91 -943.205 8.62585 Eastern Strand
worldport 0 -501.505 91.4121 59.0582 Hillsbrad Fields Human Town
worldport 0 -870.601 233.102 9.93092 Unknown Mine
worldport 0 -28.1484 -899.243 56.0704 Tarren Mill
worldport 0 724.846 -3996.11 149.735 Seradene Night Elf Portal and Giant World Tree
worldport 0 362.039 -3796.03 153.998 Skulk Rock
worldport 0 -69.8514 -4536 7.28923 Overlook Cliffs
worldport 0 -678.757 -4018.61 238.351 Jintha'Alor
worldport 0 -295.384 -3459.12 194.005 The Altar of Zul
worldport 0 -464.208 -2837.23 110.073 Shadra'Alor
worldport 0 266.941 -2751.41 122.544 Quel'Danil Night Elf Lodge
worldport 0 -35.7245 -2479.51 120.423 Zun'Watha
worldport 0 327.814 -1959.99 197.724 Aerie Peak
Loch Modan:
worldport 0 -5335.61 -2982.58 332.669 Thelsamar
worldport 0 -5201.86 -3136.59 298.761 The Loch Lake
worldport 0 -4939.1 -3423.74 305.595 Wreck from Battle
worldport 0 -4871.78 -4025.77 313.141 Mo'Grosh Stronghold
worldport 0 -5675.42 -4244.87 407.002 Purple Night Elf Building
worldport 0 -5755.53 -3998.42 330.436 Ironband's Excavation Site
worldport 0 -4771.99 -3329.01 345.504 Stonewrough Dam
worldport 0 -4231.86 -2361.37 204.069 Dun Algaz
Red Ridge Mountains:
worldport 0 -9319 -1937.94 58.0698 Lake Everstill
worldport 0 -9282.98 -2269.64 69.39 Lakeshire
worldport 0 -9168.66 -2726.31 90.0426 Alther's Mill
worldport 0 -9385.46 -3039.27 139.437 Stonewatch
worldport 0 -8687.39 -2330.38 155.916 Orc Outpost
Searing Gorge:
worldport 0 -6892.24 -1342.38 239.913 The Cauldron
worldport 0 -7317.34 -1072.33 277.069 Blackrock Mountain
worldport 0 -6986.92 -1705.54 241.667 Grimeslit Dig Site
Silverpine Forest:
worldport 0 -126.954 815.624 66.0224 Ambermill
worldport 0 -416.466 1543.87 17.5941 Pyrewood Village
worldport 0 -202.557 1666.88 79.7641 Shadowfang Keep
worldport 0 -577.865 1807.08 8.2492 South Tide's Run
worldport 0 -757.376 1527.28 17.2465 The Greymane Wall
worldport 0 -987.449 1585.69 53.4298 Behind The Greymane Wall Unfinished Location
worldport 0 374.222 1083.9 106.509 Mine
worldport 0 507.784 1611.33 124.921 The Sepulcher
worldport 0 134.209 1496.64 114.394 Olsen's Farthing
worldport 0 675.698 974.873 34.8849 The Decrepit Fairy
worldport 0 762.653 909.072 31.2142 Lordamere Lake
worldport 0 731.866 727.793 37.0975 Fenris Isle
worldport 0 960.45 689.611 59.7365 Fenris Isle Fortress Ruins
worldport 0 982.34 201.239 34.9509 The Dawning Isles
worldport 0 1414.28 1073.22 52.4649 Malden's Orchard
worldport 0 1285.69 1242.33 52.6914 The Ivar Patch
worldport 0 964.877 1238.75 48.0979 Valgan's Field
worldport 0 1035.91 1540.85 30.525 The Dead Field
worldport 0 1293.65 1957.71 19.5619 The Skittering Dark
worldport 0 873.391 1852.5 5.0548 North Tide's Run
Strangelthon Vale:
worldport 0 -14692.4 506.162 1.78241 Wild Shore
worldport 0 -14740.7 -432.482 4.00624 Jaguero Isle (Statue of Liberty)
worldport 0 -14406.6 419.353 22.3907 Booty Bay
worldport 0 -14178.2 712.03 29.1868 Janeiro's Point
worldport 0 -13274.4 769.951 2.45505 The Savage Coast
worldport 0 -13382.6 2.10815 21.8683 Ruins of Jubuwal
worldport 0 -13152.9 342.729 52.1328 Arena
worldport 0 -12352.8 211.452 4.5846 Grom'Gol Base Camp
worldport 0 -11977.4 332.254 3.20626 Bal'lal Ruins
worldport 0 -12258.9 621.105 -68.3247 The Vile Reef
worldport 0 -11683.1 925.209 3.64735 Zuuldaia Ruins
worldport 0 -11693.9 702.532 49.9689 Ruins of Zul'Kunda
worldport 0 -11586.5 -657.662 32.9941 Kurzen's Compound
worldport 0 -11845 -1199.29 77.2075 Unfinished Temple
worldport 0 -11712.7 -1758.67 22.4509 Random Bay Ruins
worldport 0 -11988 -1484.99 78.9735 Floating Bridge
worldport 0 -13010.2 -1617.82 146.263 Unfinished Hills
worldport 0 -11311.5 -195.19 76.3198 Rebel Camp
worldport 0 -12380.3 3400.92 48.865 Island of Doctor Lapidis
worldport 0 -13693.5 2806.3 56.6918 Gilijim's Isle
Swamp of Sorrows:
worldport 0 -10103.4 -2431.61 28.4491 Misty Valley
worldport 0 -10452.5 -3263.59 20.1782 Stonard Orc Outpost
worldport 0 -9980.38 -3568.28 22.0569 Fallow Sanctuary Murloc Outpost
worldport 0 -10022.2 -4266.67 7.26064 Mistyreed Strand
worldport 0 -10303.5 -3972.28 20.2882 Pool of Tears
worldport 0 -10349.1 -3849.67 -25.6078 Sunken Temple
Trisfal Glades:
worldport 0 1871.14 1587.91 91.2143 Deathknell
worldport 0 2268.03 1333.63 34.7835 Solliden Farmstead
worldport 0 2538.92 1407.01 5.69061 Whispering Shore
worldport 0 2803.27 847.119 111.841 Agamand Mills
worldport 0 2861.67 398.526 21.1504 Garren's Haunt
worldport 0 2955.79 99.8215 3.32947 The North Coast
worldport 0 2685.13 -198.851 31.4095 Brightwater Lake
worldport 0 2563.98 -51.7975 31.7441 Gunther's Retreat
worldport 0 2260.64 289.021 34.1291 Brill Forsaken Village
worldport 0 2146.99 658.485 33.59 Cold Hearth Manor
worldport 0 1832.44 236.426 60.4171 Ruins of Lordaeron
worldport 0 1628.3 239.925 64.5006 The Throne Room
worldport 0 1586.48 239.562 -52.149 The Undercity Trade Quarter
worldport 0 1614.68 643.289 37.0547 The Undercity Caves
worldport 0 1658.95 303.76 -42.6923 The Undercity War Quarter
worldport 0 1786.82 47.9279 -29.1457 The Undercity Magic Quarter
worldport 0 1466.11 49.6445 -62.2932 The Undercity Rogue's Quarter
worldport 0 1410.31 430.512 -80.3588 The Undercity The Apothecarium
worldport 0 2032.01 -432.954 35.4329 Balnir Farmstead
worldport 0 2795.02 -753.797 138.036 Whispering Gardens
worldport 0 2922.59 -740.071 153.983 Terrace of Repose
worldport 0 2853.92 -718.217 148.381 Unfinished Mansion
worldport 0 3040.8 -552.374 122.216 Scarlet Watch Post
worldport 0 1716.02 -788.217 56.844 The Bulwark
Western Plaguelands:
worldport 0 1386.47 -1518.8 72.4034 Ruins of Anderhol
worldport 0 1064.09 -1718.04 61.1348 Sorrow Hill
worldport 0 981.477 -1821.84 80.4872 Paladin Statue
worldport 0 1738.52 -2319.93 59.5751 Gahrron's Withering
worldport 0 1487.77 -1884.87 59.2039 The Writhing Haunt
worldport 0 1835.04 -1568.1 59.1818 Dalson's Tears
worldport 0 1782.26 -1211.93 59.4057 Felstone Field
worldport 0 2423.42 -1646.44 60.5098 Northridge Lumber Camp
worldport 0 2918.72 -1439.39 150.782 Hearthglenn
worldport 0 1234.83 -2118.49 50.8011 Darrowmere Lake
worldport 0 1125.31 -2541.35 78.3562 Caer Darrow The Dark Portal
worldport 0 -10510 1046.89 60.518 Sentinel Hill
worldport 0 -11018.4 1513.69 43.0152 Moonbrook Westfall
worldport 0 -10644.8 1681.3 42.0338 Alexston Farmsted
worldport 0 -10513.9 2075.23 12.1819 Longshore
worldport 0 -10171.8 1195.41 36.4345 Saldean's Farm
worldport 0 -11399.2 1947.85 10.1451 Westfall Lighthouse
worldport 0 -9903.53 1245.26 42.0563 Furlbrow's Pumpkin Patch
worldport 0 -4053.99 -3450.62 283.383 Unknown Big Dwarf City
worldport 0 -3465.16 -3727.56 64.5778 Big Broken Gates
worldport 0 -3256.88 -2718.36 9.41205 Weird Flowers
worldport 0 -2849.21 -2220.06 31.3835 Ironbead's Tomb
worldport 0 -2955 -1022.21 10.0919 Baradin Bay
worldport 0 -3754.19 -1087.3 -1.71875 Menethil Bay
worldport 0 -3740.29 -755.08 10.9643 Menethil Harbor
worldport 0 -2605.21 -2341.09 83.3551 Dun Modr
worldport 0 -2336.47 -2509.82 85.2212 Thandol Span
worldport 0 -3522.96 -1848.58 25.1502 Whelgar's Excavation Site
![]() |
Source and high res version @Marlamin |
worldport 1 2867.03 -2595.67 219.911 Xavian
worldport 1 2745.85 -378.33 108.253 Astrnaar
worldport 1 3155 -3702 121 Night Elf Portal
worldport 1 4577.61 419.307 33.7161 Master's Glaive
worldport 1 2439.16 -3500.08 98.5954 Kargathia Orc Outpost
worldport 1 2757.59 -2967.58 143.882 Satyrnaar
worldport 1 2454.38 -2943.27 124 Moonwell
worldport 1 2114.86 -2998.32 111.396 Felfire Hill
worldport 1 1626.91 -3057.36 89.4942 Demon Fall Canyon
worldport 1 1775.1 -2679.19 111.666 The Dor'danil Barrow Den
worldport 1 1669.74 -1714.14 97.9564 Falfarren River
worldport 1 2673.51 -1859.72 188.112 Raynewood Retreat
worldport 1 3466.36 -6656.29 -58.5217 Underwater Dark Portal
worldport 1 3546.8 -5287.96 109.935 Aszhara Naga City
worldport 1 -1719.08 -3824.99 12.0836 Barrens Merchant Coast
worldport 1 -3120.86 -2327.89 93.1243 Barrens Field of Giants
worldport 1 -4095.7 -2305.74 124.914 Bael Modan
worldport 1 -4319.38 -2110.38 80.8662 Barrens Gnoll Outpost Inside a Giant Beast
worldport 1 -4619.15 -1850.91 86.0563 Barrens The Great Lift
worldport 1 -2388.95 -1918.82 96.7422 Camp Taurajo
worldport 1 -964.776 -2039.74 81.3491 Lushwater Oasis
worldport 1 -1330.17 -3120.07 91.6667 The Stagnant Oasis
worldport 1 -943.935 -3715.49 11.8385 Ratchet Troll Port Outpost
worldport 1 -456.263 -2652.7 95.615 The Crossroads
worldport 1 110.197 -1891.39 93.5444 The Forgotten Pools
worldport 1 1059.54 -3003.53 91.6441 The Sludge Fen
Dark Shore:
worldport 1 4995.94 82.9197 54.3857 Grove of The Ancients
worldport 1 5028.14 534.745 7.28397 The Long Wash
worldport 1 6439.28 614.957 5.98831 Auberdine
worldport 1 6735.43 6.71422 42.7028 Bashal'Aran
worldport 1 6931.74 -569.077 44.8192 Cliffspring River
worldport 1 7177.46 -761.607 59.6101 Tower of Althalaxx
worldport 1 7373.38 -938.331 32.6196 Ruins of Mathystra
worldport 1 7742.92 -769.867 5.22102 Mist's Edge
worldport 1 -439.192 1708.22 125.856 Thunder Axe Fortress
worldport 1 -242.347 764.848 98.7113 Sargeron
worldport 1 -939.787 1091.4 93.8119 Kolkar Village
worldport 1 -1754.33 967.89 92.5626 Magram Village
worldport 1 -1879.28 1745.49 78.8892 Mannoroc Coven
worldport 1 -2222.47 2522.4 68.4424 Gelkis Village
worldport 1 -1482.87 2855.86 112.854 Valley of Spears
worldport 1 -592.792 2592.84 15.467 Sar'Theris Strand
worldport 1 -1305.19 1837.56 55.731 Kodo Graveyard
worldport 1 -1156.34 1894.49 86.2854 Ghost Walker Post
worldport 1 -1124.19 -5535.02 8.62076 Echo Isles
worldport 1 -636.469 -4243.52 38.1339 Valley of Trials Bindpoint
worldport 1 -844.586 -4924.29 20.8708 Sen'Jin Village
worldport 1 -1028.63 -4599.8 25.5756 Kolkar Crag
worldport 1 -250.245 -5070.41 22.5875 Tiragarde Keep
worldport 1 242.548 -5151.46 1.60441 Scuttle Coast
worldport 1 304.762 -4734.97 9.30458 Razorhill
worldport 1 114.769 -3758.95 17.8907 Southfury River
worldport 1 925.127 -4038.29 -13.338 Thunder Ridge
worldport 1 1484.36 -4417.03 24.4709 Orgrimmar
worldport 1 1525.73 -4968.13 17.1397 Bladefist Bay
worldport 1 918.715 -5115.69 2.85835 Deadeye Shore
Dustwallow Marsh:
worldport 1 -3719.26 -2530.63 69.58 Shady Rest Inn
worldport 1 -3922.24 -2839.21 44.6212 Lost Point
worldport 1 -4336.82 -3018.67 33.1744 The Den of Flame
worldport 1 -4197.56 -2873.76 44.6771 The Dragonmurk
worldport 1 -4354.46 -3275.34 46.0475 Stonemaul Ruins
worldport 1 -4006.19 -3777.83 40.6804 Beezil's Zepellins Wreck
worldport 1 -3129.38 -2864.51 34.8711 Brackenwall Orc Village
worldport 1 -2855.96 -3422.66 36.7473 North Point Tower
worldport 1 -3459.39 -4130.3 16.3786 Sentry Point
worldport 1 -3012.72 -4345.51 6.83608 Dreadmurk Shore
worldport 1 -3729.36 -4421.41 30.4474 Theramore Isle Cit
worldport 1 6200 -1035 387 Three Frozen Ancients
worldport 1 3652.24 928.308 7.01517 Zoram's Stand
worldport 1 -4358.88 3241 12.3636 Feralas Island Night Elf City
worldport 1 -2871.76 1885.29 52.6501 Feralas
worldport 1 -2858.35 2611.48 58.3777 Feralas Ruins
worldport 1 -4522.22 2038.54 50.1436 Feralas Coast
worldport 1 -5566.04 1449.82 20.1135 Big Feralas Ruins
worldport 1 -4369.68 242.294 25.4133 Tauren Village
worldport 1 -4517.1 -780.415 -40.736 Thalanaar
worldport 1 4674.88 -3638.37 965.264
worldport 1 7999.68 -2670.2 512.2
worldport 1 -2321.74 -378.941 -9.40597 Bloodhoof Tauren Village
worldport 1 -2905.3 -253.768 56.0612 Tauren Camp Narache
worldport 1 -2933.37 -963.993 58.2343 Brambleblade Ravine
worldport 1 -2928.26 -46.1054 188.892 Red Cloud Mesa
worldport 1 -1897.98 400.675 134.787 Bael'Dun Digside
worldport 1 -758.744 -149.474 -27.712 Wildmane Water Well
worldport 1 -1008.68 -1115.72 46.046 Red Rocks
worldport 1 -1915.66 -1107.44 87.572 Mulgore Mine
worldport 1 -1285.417847 176.522873 129.993927 Thunderbluff
worldport 1 -6817.020020 818.829956 49.9749184 4.770101 cenarion hold
worldport 1 -8185.09 1528.22 2.98973 Floating Crystal Gates
worldport 1 -9678.11 1530.11 43.025 Temple of Ahn'qiraj Entrance
Stonetalon Mountains:
worldport 1 -239.089 -809.973 8.78944 Stonetalon Mountains
worldport 1 -87.9634 -565.775 -12.1339 Greatwood Vale
worldport 1 -191.661 -301.87 12.2698 Sunrock Retreat
worldport 1 1160.25 51.3229 1.072 Windshear Crag
worldport 1 1618.33 161.796 133.084 Cragpool Lake
worldport 1 2506.3 1470.14 262.722 Stonetalon Peak
worldport 1 821.99 1599.07 -21.1896 Charred Vale
worldport 1 -6942.47 -4847.1 0.667853 Tanaris
worldport 1 9892.57 982.424 1313.83 Dolanaar
worldport 1 9477.19 1005.74 1249.01 Lake Al'Ameth
worldport 1 9114.65 1846.06 1327.5 Gnarlpine Hold
worldport 1 9561.33 1743 1291.91 Pools of Arilthrien
worldport 1 9948.55 2413.59 1327.23 Darnassus
worldport 1 10699.8 738.73 1325.881 Shadowglen
worldport 1 10455.7 798.455 1346.75 Aldrassil
Thousand Needles:
worldport 1 -5437.4 -2437.47 89.3083 Freewood Post
worldport 1 -5467.33 -1633.45 29.4245 The Screeching Canyon
worldport 1 -5000.46 -940.209 -5.58816 Highperch
worldport 1 -6202.16 -3901.68 -60.2858 The Racetrack
worldport 1 -6495.56 -3472.69 -58.7786 The Rustmaul Dig Site
Un'goro Crater
worldport 1 -7434.56 -1983.21 -270.149 Ungoro Crater
1 6107.620117 -4181.600098 852.322021 Winterspring
I actually had deleted every post about the alpha, to avoid any potential of trouble with Blizzard, but the port locations, should be okay, right? I put them back up because hirumaredx mentioned them in a few of his videos. So. Hey, if you came from the video :)
Or maybe, you're here because the one video, I made about it? But probably not.
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