TYDKaWoW #010 | You can see Azeroth from the Black Temple

I almost never look up in game. I have been a bunch of times in the Black Temple. I have been enough times in the Black Temple to get myself a pair of Warglaives of Azzinoth. But I never noticed, that you can actually see Azeroth in the sky. Every part of the raid, that takes place outside, you can just look up, and there the orb is.

But why can we see it? Outlands and Azeroth isn't supposed to be so close to each other. If that were the case, we should be able to see it from anywhere in the Outlands? Well we got the lore explanation in a twitter thread, that started with the question, if Draenor and Azeroth are in the same solar system. The answer is no, they aren't. The answer to our question then still remains, but was answered a few tweets below. This wasn't answered by Blizzard directly, but the answer has been certified with a like from Ex-Lead Narrative Designer Dave Kosak.

Apparently it was all just an illusion or projection by Illidan.

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