TYDKaWoW #006 | Demons like to tell jokes

You might have thought, that player characters were the only joksters in the World of Warcraft, besides the few fun quests and cinematics around, but there are also the demons. Yes, even demons like to have a nice chuckle at points. Not your random enemy ones, but the nice ones, the capture warlock salve ones. Every one of those, that can speak, actually has one "_FUNNY" voice line. And if you command them to do something, like move to a certain place or attack someone, they have a chance to say it instead of a boring line.

"You know, we've had some real good times together, but I really think I should start seeing other warlocks. Just a little on the side. No no no it's not you, it's me. I just really need my space."
- Imp

"I... am...void...where prohibited."

"First, we'll start with a little fire! *Fiery Sound*
Am I bugging you? I'm not touching you! Am I bugging you? I'm not touching you!!
There, now you're hot AND bothered."

- Felhunter (Dogs can't talk?)

"I play all my records backwards!
!sdrawkcab sdrocer ym lla yalp I"

- Infernal (Stones can't talk?)

And not only the regular demons have some jokes up their sleeves, but also the Grimoire of Supremacy improved demons have their own set of jokes. And the Observer even gets two, as the only demon of the bunch, just as a supreme demon should. Felhunter: 0; Observer: 2.

"So I was out with a bunch of my imp buddies when we saw this total hottie. Sadly, by the time we reached her, she burned to death."

"You know, I made this armor myself."

"Hey! What do you mean you have your hands full?
Have you taken a good look at ME lately?"

"Ahh...did you see that? Hehe..."
"Ah ah ah...I see what you did there."

"It's nice to get away from the void now and again. You think you have it rough?
My wife never sleeps..."

- Abyssal (Stones can't talk?)


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