Opening | 100x Thorium Lockbox

You get Thorium Lockbox from Mobs lvl 45-60 and they can contain about everything mobs of that level range could drop. Of course only green, rare or epic loot (except this Journeyman's Backpack) and you'll get 1-3 Items out of one. You need Lockpicking skill 225 for them so any rogue lvl 45+ or a Engineer/Blacksmith with the right item can open it.

This is what I got out of 100:

  • 61x Transmog Gear (300.62G per)
  • 29x Disenchant Items (25.31G per)
  • 6x Vendor Items (9.78G)
  • 6x Recipes (~25G per)
  • 2x Traveler's Backpack (49.82G per)
  • 2x Star Ruby (5.60G per)
  • 1x Aquamarine (4.14G per)
=192.47G per Lockbox

Without Transmog and disenchant instead

=24.53G per Lockbox

Don't forget to get the Charred Glyph if you want to open as many as I did - I stood over 8minutes there just picking locks....


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