Gold Guide | Farming Uldaman - 9,600G/hr

Here is some Information for you, if you're thinking about farming Uldaman for Gold.

First off, the Instance is easier to access from the back entrance, since the cave is much shorter, which also makes running out and selling at this end much faster. I run Inside that entrance and make my first pull from there to the chamber of the final boss. I pull everything to the right and then turn left, so I can get the rest on the way back. Inside the boss chamber, you have to defeat four stone guards and then can continue to the endboss, which also needs to be activated.

After defeating him, you can go into the treasure chamber behind him and get 2-3 free Greens. Then I head out and take the first left I can, into the stone guard part of the Instance. Head up the broken cave part and jump down. There are two chests close by, but I skip those, because they have been locked 4 out of 4 times I tried and also take about an extra 30seconds each, which I don't think is worth it. 

You should now be able to get to the Trogg part and the normal entrance of the Instance and pull everything on the way.We head out reset the Instance and do the same run backwards. A run like this takes a little of 6minutes, but I calculated the following with 7minutes, since you always need some time to reset, vendor and that stuff. 

10 runs gave me the following results:

Without Transmog:
  • Direct Gold = 67.37G
  • 5.33x Greater Nether Essence = 67.64G
  • 15x Greater Mystic Essence = 39.00G
  • 29x Vision Dust = 87.87G
  • 3x Soul Dust = 5.10G
  • 56x Solid Stone = 12.32G
  • 3x Iron Ore = 5.40G
  • 2x Thick Hide = 1.54G
  • 3x Heavy Leather = 9.69G
  • 3x Aquamarien = 8.70G
  • 1x Citrine = 3.91G
  • 1x Jade = 4.02G
  • 302x Mageweave Cloth = 111.74G
  • 379x Silk Cloth = 549.55G
  • 1x Formula: Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit = 163.72G
  • 1x Schematic: Goblin Land Mine = 226.20G
  • 1x Pattern: Azure Shoulders = 179.02G
  • 1x Pattern: Crimson Silk Shoulders = 201.49G
  • 1x Pattern: Swift Boots = 42.07G
  • 1x Pattern: Guardian Cloak = 92.83G
  • 1x Plans: Golden Scale Leggings = 181.55G
  • = 2060.73G in Total or 1766.34G/hr
With Transmog:
  • Total Gold without Transmog = 2060.73G
  • 1x Field Plate Shield = 323.58G
  • 2x Sorcerer Hat = 716.30G
  • 1x Chief Brigadier Coif = 291.25G
  • 1x Glyphed Epaulets = 460.00G
  • 1x Aurora Mantle = 1988.77G
  • 1x COnjurer's Mantle = 161.86G
  • 1x Field Plate Armor = 312.77G
  • 1x Glyphed Breastplate = 382.69G
  • 2x Renegade Chestguard = 221.30G
  • 1x Archer's Jerkin = 227.70G
  • 1x Field Plate Gauntlets = 483.49G
  • 1x Captain's Gauntlets = 270.99G
  • 1x Captain's Waistguard = 318.74G
  • 2x Ranger Cord = 345.54G
  • 1x Twilight Belt = 202.50G
  • 2x Ranger Leggings = 387.44G
  • 1x Sorcerer Pants = 156.06G
  • 1x Aurora Pants = 484.82G
  • 1x Gossamer Boots = 208.18G
  • 1x Blackforge Greaves = 456.39G
  • 1x Huntsman's Boots = 315.53G
  • 1x Knight's Boots = 260.20G
  • 1x Renegade Boots = 154.16G
  • = 11190.99G in Total or 9592.28G/hour.


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