How To | Determine Transmogvalue of Items

This is a post that shows you three little guidelines on how to determine if the Item you have could be sold for a higher Price since it's transmog. Of course theses don't always apply since tastes differ and not all servers are the same.

Back in 2013 Redditor VictoriaLust posted a picture of her Twink warlock, which was in that akward phase of Outland where you get a lot of unique Gearmodels that just won't match up. The title of this post was "This is why I prefer BoA gear" and i can understand, that you want matching Gear. On the Transmog-Market though a unique model it's typically worth a lot and one of the guidelines which can help you determine the price of an item. Let's take a look at the Screenshot and list the Pieces with their average sell price from The Undermine Journal.

The next thing that increases the transmog value of an items is, how much skin is showing. The less Armor there is, the more Gold you're going to get. This is not a theory I have. Below you see the Glorious, Lofty and Vanguard Sets, these three sets share the same model with just different coloring and are some of the most skin-showing sets in the game as you probably can see. They are also some of the most expensive Items you'll find on your auction house.
The last thing that adds to the transmog value, which is sadly kind of unpredictable, is the recognition of a piece. There are a lot of pieces that share the same model, but one will sell for a lot more than the other. This has to do with guides and sharing information. Most people don't search for same-looking items on the web they just see an piece somewhere, maybe in a Guide or on some Player ingame, and then just buy the exact item. An example for this is the Warleader's Breastplate, compared to  the Adamantite Breastplate. They have the same model and coloring but the first one goes for an average of 776G and the second one for 250G. This probably comes from the fact that most people just buy the complete Warleader's-set and don't even know about the Adamantite item since there isn't a complete set with the name.

What this means overall is, if you have and item that has a unique look and/or shows a lot of skin you can probably sell that as Transmog. The only factor that could eliminate that Transmog value is the recognition of the Piece, but this could also work the other way around and even boost the value.

Ohh and the rarity of the item. If the item is too easily available the price will never go up.

So the easiest way to determine, the value, is by letting the market decide and just use the Average prices. If you use Tradeskillmaster you can make your life a lot easier and get these average prices on your tool-tips. This is how it's done:


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