Gold Guide | Rugged Leather farming 1.300G in 25minutes

Even though Onyxia's Lair is a level 80 Raid since 3.2.2, the Trash mobs can still be skinned for Rugged Leather. There are four Onyxian Warder in total located in the Raid and each has a 75% chance on 9-22 Rugged Leather and a 25% chance on 5-14 Rugged Hide. These chances are not affected by the Raid Difficulty (10 or 25man). If you  pull all trash mobs together, run back to the entrance with them, kill them in front of it, loot & skin and then run out, you'll need about 2.5 minutes or 150 seconds for one run. And since you can reset instances 10 times per hour, we can calculate the following:
  • 1x Rugged Leather = 2.76G
  • 1x Rugged Hide = 0.05G (vendor)
  • 75% * 15.5x Rugged Leather + 25% * 9.5x Rugged Hide = 32.20G/Mob
  • 4Mobs * 32.30G/Mob = 128.80G/Instance
  • 128.80G/Instance * 10 Instances = 1288.00G for 10 Instances
  • 2.5minutes/Instance * 10Instances = 25minutes for 10 Instances

  • = 1288.00G in 25 minutes

This might not be the most Gold you can do, but still a nice amount and it's probably the easiest and fastest way to farm Rugged Leather if you need it. In total an average of 465x Rugged Leather and 95 Rugged Hide in 25 minutes.

UPDATE: I just found out you can reset the trash mobs by pulling onyxia and running a bit out of her pit. She runs back and the mobs respawn. This could be really really profitable, since a lot of time went to running out and resetting the instance before.


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