Gold Guide | Farming Blackfathom Deeps - 10,000G/hr

Here is some Information for you if you're thinking about farming Blackfathom Deeps for Gold.

The Instance is located in Ashenvale, hidden in an underwater cave on the zom'gor strand. The cave starts after diving into the pond formed on the bottom of the most northern building. The way through the cave is quite simple, which you'll have to take after about every two instance runs, to empty your bags. So you might want to put your heartstone at an Inn in Ashenvale. The one for the horde is right at the Strand and the nearest for the Alliance is in Astranaar. 

Once you're inside you'll notice the instance got a revamp with wod. This introduced new mobs - and most of them now have a max follow range or just won't follow you inside or out of the water, meaning we have to stop a lot and kill single groups. This is also why you're free to use any profession you have. Normally I stay away from mining or herbing because it's mostly an extra stop, but since we have to stop every 30seconds anyway you're free to do that for a little extra gold. There are even a few turtles to skin if you have that profession.

This starts with the first pack, after that we jump in the water try to aggro one of the little deep see murlocs, while we pull the two on the shore ahead. The swimming murlocs strangely can't follow you on 

land, so you'll have to kill them in the water. They give you a debuff, which will taunt all of them in a certain radius, helping us a lot. Once those are dead we swim to a little platform in the west, where you can easily walk onto the next platform, skipping the jumping part. We need to kill the mobs here again, because they won't follow and do the same on the turtle isle. 

We then head into the water and dive towards the optional boss while trying to pull some swimming murlocs. We kill the murlocs and then pull all the mobs towards the boss, where we of course kill them. You don't need to kill the two casting mobs, that are sacrificing the goblin to the old gods. They don't drop anything and it's quite an accomplishing feeling to know, that you indirectly killed a defenceless goblin. 

Now we head into the main tunnel and of course try to pull some of the deep sea murlocs for some extra loot on the way. You can pull the complete part on land to the boss and just ignore the tentacles since they just despawn and don't leave any loot behind. You have to look out for the Oracle-Murloc-Guys from sholazar basin, because those won't follow you and keep you in fight. 
Once the Boss is dead the murlocs surrounding him will become attackable and tentacles spawn . Kill those quickly, or they'll kill the murclos with the huge bags, which are basically treasure chests with legs. They drop all kinds of materials. After that we open the real Treasure chest, which is located in one of the three tunnel endings around the boss cave. These can be locked so i brought along some explosives, you should do the same if you have the opportunity or just run the instance as a rouge. They don't boost your profit by a massive amount, but they always contain some mats and have the chance on an extra green which could be another transmog item. 

We pull the complete tunnle after that to the next boss and kill them there. Then we jump in the water an grab one of the guardian eggs laying around, which boosts our swimspeed for 75% and will make our way out of the instance much quicker. We jump onto the boss platform in the center of the lake and kill him with the trash there, since he won't come along. 

Now the last pull consists of all the Trash mobs, that are still alive, up to the second last boss. We skip the last boss, because he is the only lootable mob in the next part and isn't worth the extra minute we would need. On our way back we jump directly into the water to profit from the increased swimspeed. I like the use the time running through the tunnel opening the clams I got during that run, and if you killed the Sholazar-Murloc-Guys on your way in, make sure to loot them on your way out. We take the right part of the lake to get the last few little mobs in the water and then head out. 

A run like this takes about 11 minutes, which gives you 5 minutes each hour to empty your inventory. Here are my results for 10 runs: 

Without Transmog: 
Direct Gold = 38.94G 
5x Greater Astral Essence = 11.60G 
5x Greater Magic Essence = 15.10G 
95x Strange Dust = 174.80G 
5x Kingsblood = 11.45G 
4x Wild Steelbloom = 16.20G 
11x Swiftthistle = 28.49G 
3x Briathorn = 8.85G 
2x Earthroot = 3.16G 
3x Mageroyal = 5.04G 
2x Gold Bar = 4.20G 
5x Tin Ore = 7.20G 
13x Coarse Stone = 4.81G 
2x Silver Ore = 19.12G 
16x Copper Ore = 22.08G 
5x Silver Bar = 43.55G 
9x Rough Stone = 2.97G 
7x Medium Leather = 19.53G 
1x Light Hide = 1.52G 
7x Light Leather = 10.22G 
2x Lesser Moonstone = 2.44G 
6x Iridescent Pearl = 37.56G 
5x Moss Agate = 60.25G 
1x Shadowgem = 2.18G 
7x Small Lustrous Pearl = 21.70G 
339x Wool Cloth = 244.08G 
106x Linen Cloth = 33.92G 
9x Silk Cloth = 13.41G 
1x Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility = 95.90G 
2x Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit = 287.96G 
1x Pattern: SPider Silk Slippers = 225.46G 
1x Pattern: Red Woolen Boots = 57.06G 
1x Pattern: Dark Leather Gloves = 163.56G 
3x Pattern: Hillman's Belt = 253.74G 
1x Plans: Runed Copper Breatsplate = 41.47G 
=1989.52G total or 994.76G/hr 

With Transmog: 
Total without = 1989.52G 
1x Martyr's Chain = 0.00G (12,529.26G) 
1x Sentry's Gloves = 1000.00G (15,127.03G) 
3x Prospector's Pads = 7994.67G 
1x Greenweave Vest = 234.51G 
1x Shimmering Armor = 202.95G 
1x War Paint Chestpiece = 392.61G 
1x Mystic's Wrap = 630.36G 
1x Seer's Padded Armor = 222.61G 
1x Spiked Chain Gauntlets = 1,419.99G 
2x Britlebark Gloves = 1377.50G 
1x Hulking Gauntlets = 561.78G 
1x Pagan Mits = 151.36G 
1x Scouting Gloves = 271.81G 
1x Forest Leather Belt = 256.81G 
1x Hulking Belt = 597.02G 
1x Greenweave Leggings = 310.64G 
1x Hulking Leggings = 1,290.64G 
1x Grunt's Legguards = 813.38G 
1x Rigid Leggings = 196.25G 
1x Buccaneer's Pants = 187.94G 
=20102.35G or 10051.18G/hr 


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