Gold Guide | Farming Scarlet Monastery - 4,800G/hr

Here is some Information for you, if you're thinking about farming Scarlet Halls for Gold.

The Instance is located in Tirisfal Glades and the easiest way to get there as an alliance player is to use the portal to the blasted lands, fly to Grom'gol and take the first class seats on top of the Zepplin to Undercity. Once you reach the Monastery building, go in and head into the left Instance Portal. You can Mount up inside the instance, but the first few mob groups are fighting against Zombies; to get them we need to pull one of each group individually. Running through them with a mount won't work.

I round them up in the crypt entrance behind the first boss and kill them, which opens up the door to the next part. There will still be zombies following you, because we haven't killed the Corpsepiles, but they give up after a bit in the monastery part. We pull both sides down here and then both sides on the upper level. I use one of the Corridor corners to line of sight the caster and kill them easily. After this the second door opens.

Here we pull the groups in front and then to the right, kill the boss on the way across and hide in one of the rooms. The second boss will spawn and we try to kill her with the trash. She will put us to sleep and resurrect the first boss.

After waking up again, we loot the trash, kill the 2 bosses head out, mount up and run out of the instance. A run like this takes about 6minutes. Here is what I got from 10 runs:

Without Transmog:
  • Direct Gold = 60.18G
  • 7.33x Greater Mystic Essence = 16.20G
  • 1x Greater Astral Essence = 1.79G
  • 36x Soul Dust = 59.76G
  • 13x Mageweave Cloth = 4.42G
  • 659x Silk Cloth = 889.65G
  • 120x Wool Cloth = 76.80G
  • 5x Jade = 18.40G
  • 1x Lesser Moonstone = 0.92G
  • 1x Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe = 153.54G
  • 1x Plans: Golden Scale Leggings = 152.91G
  • = 1434.57G without Transmog
With Transmog:
  • Gold without Transmog = 1434.57G
  • 1x Combat Shield = 236.84G
  • 1x Scaled Shield = 233.35G
  • 1x Glimmering Shield = 203.35G
  • 1x Sage's Robe = 271.31G
  • 1x Silver-Thread Armor = 1045.98G
  • 1x Glimmering Mail Breastplate = 388.05G
  • 1x Insignia Belt = 606.58G
  • 1x Silver-Thread Pants = 346.09G
  • = 4766.12G with Transmog


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