Gold Guide | Farming The Stockade - 2,800G in 25min

Here is some Information for you if you're thinking about farming The Stockade for Gold. 

The Instance is located in Stormwind, which makes it harder for the Horde to get to, but not impossible. You'll need to vendor every four or five runs however, which would require you to kill the Guards in front of the Instance to mount your Vendor-mount. I don't know if the struggle is really worth it for the results you'll be getting from the Instance. If you're looking for an alternative Instance to farm wool cloth I'd recommend Shadowfang Keep.

Now back the Stockades. Once you're inside you'll need to pull all the mobs out of there cells. The first two only hold Quest NPC's but everything after that is kill-able. I always run into one cell and target a mob of the opposite cell on my way out. You can then just taunt that complete cell and save some time. This however doesn't work on the last three cells surrounding Hogger. 

The Elemental wing is a complete different story, because the mobs are spread out more in the cells and taunting one won't pull them all, but we won't even run that part. I'm only running the Human and Gnoll areas, because the elementals loot-table consists of greys and a few greens. I'd normally wouldn't hate on grey Items, but if a stack of it isn't even worth 1silver, it is definitely not worth my time.

So we round up all mobs in one of the Cells surrounding Hogger, kill them, run out and repeat. After a few runs you'll be able to get the time for one run below 2minutes, but most of the time you'll need a few seconds more, because some caster is casting through a wall. Since you also have to vendor quite often, i'd say, I did my ten runs in about 25minutes. Here is what I got from them:

Without Transmog:
Direct Gold = 19.18G
7.66x Greater Astral Essence = 17.54G
6x Soul Dust = 11.52G
73x Strange Dust = 124.10G
17x Silk Cloth = 25.50G
461x Wool Cloth = 304.26G
187x Linen Cloth = 61.71G
1x Lesser Moonstone = 1.12G
1x Moss Agate = 14.12G
2x Shadowgem = 1.98G 
1x Schematic: Moonsight Rifle = 260.08G
=  841.11G in 25min without Transmog

With Transmog:
Gold without Transmog = 841.11G
1x Forest Leather Mantle = 218.09G
1x Scouting Tunic = 394.58G
2x Scouting Gloves = 561.78G
1x Scouting Trousers = 275.21G
1x Buccaneer's Pants = 193.27G
1x Bandit Pants = 170.69G
1x Scouting Boots = 321.59G
= 2783.05G in 25min with Transmog

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