Gold Guide | Farming Maraudon - 14,600G/hr

Here is some Information for you, if you're thinking about farming Maraudon for Gold.

The Instance is located in western Desolace inside a huge Centaur-shaped mountain. There are three entrances to the Dungeon, one for each part. You go Inside the purple crystal part of the cave, jump of the bridge and do a 180°. Now you stand in front of a portal, which will bring you close to the end of the Instance and you can head back out. There are two paths you can take, but after testing both for 10 runs, I found that the southern one yields better results.

The lower routes, the wicked grotto, has a lot more humanoid mobs, which drop a lot more Transmog items. The upper route, the Foulespore Cavern, has a lot more herbal creatures, which drop all sorts of herbs. The herbs of course sell a lot faster than Transmog, but I don't mind that extra few days for a lot more gold.

One of the more expensive and faster selling sets to look out for, is the Ghostwalker-Set, of which nearly every pieces can drop inside the Instance.
Results for 10 runs without Transmog:
  • Direct Gold = 86.55G
  • 3.33x Greater Mystic Essence = 7.69G
  • 6x Vision Dust = 16.92G
  • 34x Soul Dust = 57.12G
  • 6x Purple Lotus = 54.60G
  • 4x Firebloom = 10.76G
  • 4x Dragon's Teeth = 14.72G
  • 2x Khadgar's Whisker = 3.50G
  • 3x Goldthorn = 26.25G
  • 3x Fadeleaf = 5.79G
  • 3x Liferoot = 5.61G
  • 4x Stranglekelp = 7.56G
  • 3x Bruiseweed = 4.38G
  • 5x Swiftthistle = 9.70G
  • 2x Briarthorn = 4.58G
  • 3x Earthroot = 4.02G
  • 5x Mageroyal = 7.50G
  • 7x Peacebloom = 9.38G
  • 1x Silverleaf = 1.31G
  • 440x Mageweave Cloth = 158.40G
  • 194x Silk Cloth = 271.60G
  • 1x Star Ruby = 2.78G
  • 1x Citrine = 3.80G
  • 3x Jade = 10.95G
  • 1x Lesser Moonstone = 0.90G
  • 1x Iridescent Pearl = 6.21G
  • 1x Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge = 145.51G
  • 1x Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets = 93.60G
  • = 1021.74G in Total or 766.31G/hr

Results for 10 runs with Transmog:
  • Total without Transmog = 1021.74G
  • 1x Pillager's Crown = 216.24G
  • 2x Headhunter's Spaulders = 3501.46G
  • 1x Vital Shoulders = 331.89G
  • 2x Thick Scale Shoulder Pads = 1228.88G
  • 1x Cutthroat's Mantle = 2353.41G
  • 1x Thistlefur Mantle = 308.19G
  • 1x Resilient Mantle = 310.64G
  • 1x Thistlefur Jerkin = 340.60G
  • 1x Nocturnal Gloves = 325.93G
  • 2x Ghostwalker Gloves = 2081.38G
  • 1x Pillager's Gloves = 358.37G
  • 1x Headhunter's Mitts = 990.27G
  • 3x Vital Handwraps = 299.26G
  • 2x Cutthroat's Mitts = 1685.14G
  • 1x Thistlefur Gloves = 194.20G
  • 1x Sparkleshell Belt = 575.09G
  • 1x Ghostwalker Belt = 730.85G
  • 1x Ghostwalker Legguards = 787.41G
  • 1x Ghostwalker Boots = 1440.37G
  • 1x Vital Boots = 400.29G
  • = 19481.61 in Total or 14611.21G/hr


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