TYDKaWoW #015 | There are Ogres selling Fortune Cookies

You probably know about the Fortune Cookie, that was introduced with Cataclysm, which contains a Mysterious Fortune Card. This wasn't the first fortune cookie item in the game though. Already back during the Burning Crusade expansion there was one.

The Ogri'la Faction isn't so well known because it's just a bunch of Ogres, trapped on a plateau in Blade's Edge Mountains, surrounded by a bunch of Crystals. Even the rewards for the faction aren't that spectacular. Most people might only know about them, because of the two dailies Bomb Them Again! and Wrangle More Aether Rays!, which also give you reputation for the Sha'tari Skyguard. What I want to establish is, that it isn't a widely know popular faction to have contact with. And right there in that lesser known town of Ogri'la is a probably even less known food vendor.

The Ogri'la Grubgiver has two items in stock, that you can't get anywhere else in the World of Warcraft. The first one is Ogri'la Chicken Fingers - "Less a finger than a whole arm." and the second one are the Mingo's Fortune Giblets - "Find your fortune inside! Bask in the wisdom of Ogri'la, win a prize, or learn about your destiny!".

There they are. Mingo's Fortune Giblets. The fortune cookies, before Fortune Cookies. And instead of a Mysterious Fortune Card they contain a Bloodstained Fortune. A mysterious card can contain 1/58 different Fortune Cards, the Bloodstained Fortune is already the end product and has 20 different variations. Here are all of them, spoilers ahead:

"Don't despair. Your special ogre is out there somewhere."

"Put up your sword, your maul, and your lance.
The crystals have told us to give peace a chance."

"You need not fear with a head full of beer!"

"Two heads are better than one! Then you'll always have a friend."

"Wisdom comes in many shapes, but always flows from the crystals."

"Think positive! A large gut to one is a pair of love handles to another."

"You will meet someone special tomorrow, so remember:
you draw more friends with kindness than clubbing them to death."

"Lucky Numbers: 13 9 17 4 n"

"Your inclination for dancing brings a smile to everyone's face."

"You are special, no matter what your friends, relatives, associates,
random strangers, or your conscience may tell you."

"When all else fails, it's time to bail."

"Drunkenness is next to godliness."

"Warning: The giblet was not safe for human consumption."

"You have been chosen by the great metal hand in the sky! Now get to work."

"Let sleeping gronn lie."

"This message was brought to you by the Ogri'la Exploitation Committee. Made in Gadgetzan."

"The meaning of life is... (The rest of this message has been accidentally eaten.)"

"Sorry, you weren't a winner this time. Please play again."

"You will make an enemy today, and promptly kill it."

"Seek a higher path in life. That way, you can avoid low-lifes."

And of course big money goblins are behind both products. The ogre version made in Gadgetzan and the cookie one made by F.B. Kazzlestix in Bilgewater Harbor, according to this Fortune Card. The wealthy 1% selling us dreams - just like in the real world - and then telling us to avoid "low-lifes", putting the blame on the less fortunate.

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