Gold Guide | BWL Trash

This Guide only works for Hunters and Priests, because we need an ability to drop combat with a low Cooldown. You can try it with all other things, but you will have wait time and there are definitely better Farming Spots for you. We will be farming the connected Trash groups in Blackwing Lair and reset them with dropping combat.

Before Farming:
The Way to the Farming spot:
  • To get to BWL you can use the Orb of Command, if you've done the Pre-Quest, if you didn't do it you have to go through UBRS which takes sooooo long. So do the Quest. The Orb is located down the way in front of Blackrock Spire entrance.
  • Inside BWL the first Boss is the hardest; Razorgore the Untamed. There is a solo Guide on my channel.
  • You have to clear everything up to Broodlord Lashlayer. We will be farming in the two floors behind him. There are still three big Dragonkins in front of you, three on the upper floor and a Boss flying around. Kill those and then stop, because I don't know if the mobs despawn otherwise in the next runs
  • You can extend your Raid ID and the Mobs will be there, if you didn't kill them completely
Farming Save Way:
  1. Pull all groups
  2. get them on one spot you can use a corner for that
  3. kill all Warlocks and Technicians 
  4. let the Overseer and Spellbinder survive
  5. Drop Combat 
  6. Loot & Repeat
Farming Fun Way:
  1. Pull all groups
  2. get them on one spot you can use a corner for that
  3. kill all Warlocks and Technicians
  4. let the Overseer and Spellbinder survive
  5. Drop Combat and engage again
  6. All groups are respawned and running towards you
  7. Steps 1-6 as often as you want
  8. Drop Combat
  9. Loot HUGE AMOUNTS & Repeat
Things you should know:
  • If you kill the Warlocks to slow or don't kill them all, Feld Guards spawn from there Portals
  • If you are farming the Fun way pay attention to the health of the mobs you let survive, because they don't reset with this method until you let them run back in the end
  • After your first run with killing the Bosses and stuff, you should wait for about an hour, this way the slow traps despawn
  • If you use an extended Raid ID or if you waited one hour or more, only the mobs you NEVER killed will be there. So only a few Overseer and Spellbinder. All you have to do to make everyone respawn is to pull one and drop combat
  • Groups you killed completely in this ID are gone for this ID (You could try to get another ID from a friend; he kills all bosses you have and you go in his raid - I didn't try that)
The Loot:
  • Transmog Gear is your best gold maker.
  • Gear to disenchant; Illusion Dust and Greater Eternal essence have a very huge demand; so if you are on a server without a real transmog market you can still get Gold.
  • Runecloth; you get a lot of cloth about 1400 each run. there will be a guide on my channel, how to make more profit with it then just selling it
  • Lockboxes; you get about 5 each run Thorium and Eternium, but mostly Thorium and if you can open them you can get additional Transmog pieces and stuff. I opened 100 and my results are on this blog too.
  • Elementium Ingot is needed for Thunderfury and have an ID cap or something. They only drop off the first trash kill.
  • Recipes; you get about three each run mostly the common ones that still sell for like 25G
  • Rare World drops are not so rare on this spot, because you kill huge amounts of mobs. I already got a few rare recipes, the Skullflame Shield and other BoE epics
  • Star Ruby, Aquamarine and Traveler's Backpack also drop about each run one
  • BoP Epics, old Spellbooks, Food & Drink and Health & Mana potions can just be vendored
  • Hourglass Sand was needed for Chromaggus fight and can't be sold to the vendor. I have a deleting macro bound to my Feign Death so I don't have to delete it myself.
Deleting Macro

/run for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, 32, 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if name and string.find(name,"Hourglass Sand") then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot); DeleteCursorItem(); end; end; end

Average Worth:
Gold per Hour:
  • With Transmog = 19,581.17G/hr
  • Only Disenchanting = 5,022.77G/hr
Calculation for that in the end of my video :)

Credit to: @Traxex84 on Ownedcore.


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